How the augmented reality will make critical care transportation safer ?

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Chan CKJ(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Simulation Training Centre, Hong Kong Children's Hospital
Introduction :
Patient documents and vital sign monitor force the doctors and nurses to look away from the patient during transportation. Augmented reality (AR) is a set of technology that allow the doctors and nurses to see the real world and digital information imposed to the real world at the same time. Moreover, unlike working in the hospital, critical care transportation has minimal support. There are usually only one doctor and one nurse for the unstable patient. AR can provide the live video consultation. The doctors in the receiving hospital mission control room can provide the instruction via the AR smart glasses. Literature show AR glasses enhanced the patient safety with significant result.
Objectives :
To explore the feasibility of using AR glasses in critical care transportation To enhance the patient safety during the critical care transportation by the AR glasses.
Methodology :
We implement the first phase of study on 17 Aug 2018 at Simulation Training Centre, Hong Kong Children’s Hospital by a doctors and a nurse with AR smart glasses. Study designed and the outcome measured were according to the user experience (UX) research framework, the following outcome were evaluated: 1. Match between system and the real world (the information displays meet the needs, in natural and logical order ) 2. User control and freedom (the system are easy to control and wear) 3. Flexibility and efficiency of use (the system can cater to both inexperience and experience user) Second phase of study conducted at 17 Mar 2019 Neonatal Emergency Transportation Simulation (NETS) course. 3 teams (6 people each team) invited to join the study. Other than the 3 outcome parameters mentioned above, the following items will be also evaluated: 1. Error prevention: how many problems prevents / shorten problem solving duration 2. Aesthetic and minimalist design: all information display shall be keep minimal and relevant to the clinical needs. 3. Help user to diagnose and recognize from error: Error message / instruction can be display. Precisely indicated the problem and constructively provide a suggestion by the doctors in the mission control room.
Result & Outcome :
First phase of the study showed the system can meet the needs. It clearly displays the clinical information and video. It functions as a hand-free live video communication platform between the doctor in the ambulance and receiving hospital. The system is easy to use and control after few minutes briefing. It is suitable for experience and inexperience user. Second phase have been further tested during the Neonatal Emergency Transportation Simulation courses during 3 critical transport scenarios inside an ambulance. The display device have not affect the team performance. The team at the mission control room are able to see what is happening inside the ambulance .It help them to understand what is happening without distribute the doctors and nurses inside the ambulance. All team are performed correctly during the scenario. So, no error prevention can be measure. The simulated patient vital signs can be clearly display without any specific buttons in those 3 scenarios. The doctors do not need to move around to see the vital sign. It can keep the focus on the patient and vital sign at the sametime. it meet the minimalist design requirement. In conclusion, The AR glasses are feasible to apply in clinical setting. it is able to make our critical transport more safe. Phase 3 usability study with error scenario script to measure the error prevention and larger sample size are suggested.

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