Authors (including presenting author) :
Chan CL (1), Tang MKC(1), Wong SL(1), Barry Chang(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Department of Medicine & Geriatrics, Princess Margaret Hospital, (2) Security Department, Princess Margaret Hospital
Introduction :
Prevalence of workplace violence among healthcare workers were range from 10% to 50% and even up to 87% in international studies. Similar situation occurred in local hospital when comparison. An increasing trend of injury on duty related to workplace violence noted after past year data reviewed. Facts reflected that frontline staff were vulnerable to experience different types of injury while providing nursing care to patients.
Workplace violence is a significant concern to both employers and employees. Strategies that employers can use to reduce the threat of WV including development of guidelines, policies, standards and recommendations on WV. Management is encouraged to provide supportive environment and sustain a culture for employee to report all incidents promptly. Effort should be paid to empower staff competence to manage workplace violence through education and simulation training to increase awareness of warning signs and readiness on application of restraining procedure. Post-incident psychological care to employees was indispensable (Townsend, 2012; Norris, 2010). Studies reported that the a well organized prevention and management of WV training program may enhance employees’ confidence in tackling WV (Tan, Lopez & Cleary, 2015; Cleary et al, 2013). If employees concern can be addressed through a workplace violence prevention program, it may secure health organization to enhance the safety of employee and patient, provide quality patient care, and promote constructive labor-management relations.
Objectives :
To empower and enhance staff in “Preventing & Handling of Workplace Violence “ in acute care setting by
1. Enhancing staff awareness on the warning signs of aggressors, selecting the appropriate PPE
2. Standardizing communication skill by applying SBAR technique with Security Department 3. Familiarizing with the workflow of “restraining procedure” 4. Reinforcing post-incident management after conducting scenarios
Methodology :
1. To liaise with OSH officer and security officer to work out a “Prevention & Management of Workplace Violence Program” included knowledge updated, hands-on practice in applying restrainer, cultivating the work safe concept through scenarios conducted to strengthen workflow in restraining patient, communication with security department, post incident management and debriefing. 2. To conduct four workshops of “Prevention & Management of Workplace Violence Program” for M&G staff.
Result & Outcome :
1. Total 4 workshops conducted from June to September in 2018. Staff were assessed about skill and knowledge on workplace violence after the training workshop. Total 79 nursing staff participated the workshops. Respondent rate was 97.5%. Over 70% staff with experience < 5 years. 2. Evaluation results collected after workshop.
Staff knowledge on workplace violence enhanced
Staff awareness on the warning signs of aggressors enhanced
Staff are familiar with the workflow in restraining patient safely
Communication with security department enhanced
Staff reflected that they knew how to seek post incident help when needed Conclusion
This is a new program which integrating ” work safe behavior” concept into clinical setting to empower frontline staff in handling the workplace violence. If we can address our employees concerns through a Workplace Violence prevention program, it can secure health organization to enhance the safety of employee and patient, provide quality patient care, and promote constructive labor-management relations as hope.