Outreach to the community: Combined pediatrics and adult program for managing left ventricular assist device (LVAD) patients out of hospital

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Li KH(1), Wong SL(1), Lam SL(1), Leung KN(1), Wong LY(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Queen Mary Hospital
Introduction :
Bringing LVAD patients with advance heart failure (AHF) back to quality life is rewarding and encouraging. This transition requires high level of community support and health care team commitment. As a quality improvement project aims at bringing new hope to AHF patients and transiting them safely from hospital to community living, an integrated proactive outreach program was established to enhance patient safety with promotion of satisfaction and experience throughout care journey.
Objectives :
To establish an integrated proactive outreach program to enhance care standard and continuity of care across care transition from hospital to community for patients with LVAD
Methodology :
Transiting pediatric patients’ to normal school life is our focus, LVAD coordinator conducted school visit to introduce LVAD system to teachers and educated them on device’s emergency management. Return demonstration with Q&A sessions was offered to ensure that staffs were competence to care the child. To ensure LVAD patients living safe in the community, home visit was done by trained LVAD team members. A home inspection safety checklist was developed to ensure living environmental safety. Living area including electricity power system and environmental risks would be assessed and managed. Besides, all electricity supply system should be assessed by qualified electrical technician before they could discharge home. In addition, emergency protocol acting as quick references in emergency situation would be presented to the ambulance services and A&E departments corresponding to their residential area. 24 hours interactive voice response system was established to support LVAD patients fully in the community and early identified their problems for better health outcome management. Periodic patient support group was also organized to provide support for both patients and families.
Result & Outcome :
The LVAD outreach program successfully transits LVAD patients from hospital to community with the enjoyment of quality living. This program promotes patient’s safety and brings our quality care to next rewarding level.

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