Authors (including presenting author) :
Chan CKJ (1)
Affiliation :
Simulation Training Centre, Hong Kong Children's Hospital
Introduction :
Other than time point and checklist. There are limited outcome measure for simulation training. Low-cost commercial gaming electroencephalography (EEG) system has been proven to capture the EEG in 6 cognitive status metrics by algorithm namely Excitement (level of emotional arousal), Interest (how much the user like or dislike something, midrange score means neutral), Stress (how comfortable the user with the current challenge that she is facing), Engagement (how immersed she is in what she is doing) and Focus (ability to concentrate on one task and ignore distraction).
Objectives :
To explore the feasibility of using wireless, lightweight, gaming EEG system as performance measure in simulation training.
Methodology :
We recorded 8 set of EEG from different healthy subject with the gaming EEG system with preset analysis algorithm during different the simulation training. Each parameter represented in scale 0 to 100. Central tendencies over recording time (means) were used to compare between groups. Descriptive statistic used for data analysis.
Result & Outcome :
The gEEG system able to capture the data into 6 cognitive statuses. The mean scores of Excitement was 32.17 (S.D. = 5.4); Interest was 54 (S.D.=3.11) ; Stress was 41.83 (S.D. 3.39); Engagement was 56.5 (S.D. = 6.8) and Focus was 37 (4.55). It showed that it can create analyzable and meaningful data. It is feasible as performance measurement tools for simulation training. Larger sample size and correlation analysis with gender, experience, and different simulation scenario suggested. The use of the gEEG can be extended to capture method to variety of simulation activity or even clinical sedated patient.