Authors (including presenting author) :
Leung OKC(1), Lui APY(2), Lee BCM(2), Hung VYS(1), Fung VH(1), Lau SKK(1), Lam DHM(1), Tsui HH(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Information Technology and Health Informatics Division, Hospital Authority Head Office, (2)Business Support Services, Hospital Authority Head Office
Introduction :
(Please see the attached introduction)
Objectives :
(1) To leverage on the interpretation language captured in Patient Administrative System(PAS) to generate an electronic service request form replacing hand-written form (2) To standardize the workflow of capturing patient’s interpretation service requests in PAS to facilitate service arrangement along the patient journey (3) To identify patient’s need of interpretation service at the point of care leveraging the system-captured interpretation language
Methodology :
A phased-approach is implemented to support colleagues adapting to the workflow changes. 2019-Q1 focuses on capturing the EM languages in PAS for patients who need interpretation service. System design of language selection is aligned with the corporate flag sheet with (i)national flag image and (ii)numbering of individual language to facilitate the selection. The language information will also be shared to the Clinical Management System(CMS) for clinicians’ information. In 2019/20 we planned, patient’s request for interpretation service in outpatient appointment will be captured in PAS. A printed electronic request form will replace the hand-written form for service booking, leveraging on the (i)language data captured and (ii)appointment data readily available in the system.
Result & Outcome :
Workflow standardization on capturing the interpretation service requests in PAS is supported by the Sub-group. Members are satisfied with the system prototypes, electronic interpretation request form template and overall project timeframe. It is wished that this initiative will cater patient’s communication need and provide them direct and timely interpretation service with the simplified and streamlined operational workflow on booking interpretation service.