The utilization of simulation training has been proved to be useful in increasing staff confidence and competence in managing high risk or challenging clinical situations. Simulation training for outreaching staff on both physical and mental emergency situation was designed in 2014 with lots of positive feedback. In 2018, we designed brand new inter-professional scenario-based simulation training for staffs working in both community and in-patient services in managing various clinical high stress circumstances.
1. To inspire participants to evaluate their professional accountability on caring of patients, carers and staffs. 2. To strengthen the awareness of clinical / community psychiatric situation through real scenarios. 3. To provide a platform to explore the most appropriate management of similar situational scenarios through discussions and experience sharing.
Eight scenarios were selected and modified from real situations of which the highest stress score was rated by our staff. 4 scenarios were chosen for maximum 12 mental health professionals including Doctors, Nurses, Medical Social Workers and Occupational Therapists in each half day class. Some frontline staff was invited to be the actors to let them experience the feeling of being cared and treated. Interactive debriefing was conducted with self-reflection and learning consolidation, feelings sharing, encountering limitations and experiences. Quantitative and qualitative evaluations were collected at the end of the training.
Results & Outcome
12 classes with 106 participants in total were trained. Very positive feedbacks as demonstrated by high rating from 100% participants who perceived the classes were useful and practical with realistic scenarios. Qualitative data reflects that the debriefing is impressive and meaningful, good sharing and inspiration in a comfortable and relax atmosphere, increasing confidence and competence in dealing with similar clinical situations and deeper understanding on the benefits of caring the relatives and staff concern. With the persistent encouraging feedbacks, it is highly suggestible that this kind of simulation training is worth to be rolled out more widely and in on-going basis.