Authors (including presenting author) :
Tsang SW
Affiliation :
Physiotherapy Department, Prince of Wales Hospital
Introduction :
It is recommended by World Health Organization (WHO) that infants should be exclusively breastfed for the first six month, and with the introduction of solid food, continue breastfeeding up to 2 years or beyond1. Researches revealed that breastmilk contains every nutrients infant needs and is the best food in the first six month. Breastfeeding reduces infant mortality and against infectious disease. The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI), which aims to promote and support breastfeeding, was launched by WHO and UNICEF in 1992. It was suggested that working mother should continue breastfeed infant and express breastmilk for others to feed infant in a clean and safe way2.
Methodology :
In Hong Kong, female staff will return to work after 14 weeks of maternal leave. One of the problems they encountered is the place to express and store breastmilk. Prince of Wales Hospital (PWH) is a baby-friendly hospital, and was awarded 'Certificate of Level 1 Participation' in June 20173. Two measures have been established in physiotherapy department this year to facilitate female staff to continue breastfeeding. First, there is a secure and private room in department, designated for express breastmilk with scheduled time slot; second, a compact refrigerator that is newly installed in the same room with funding from Admin supplies for breastmilk storage.
Result & Outcome :
Despite there is a breastfeeding room for staff in PWH, it takes time to travel back and forth a room outside department. A designated room inside department can reduce the travelling time and improve work efficiency; also communication with colleagues is clearer when a time slot is scheduled. Chair, electrical socket and alcohol rub are provided in the room for a user-friendly and hygienic environment. There are over 100 staff in our department. Although there is a refrigerator in pantry for staff use, its utilization rate is high and is always packed with lunchbox and different kinds of food and drinks. It is suggested that the breastmilk should be expressed in a clean containers and placed in the back of a refrigerator, where the temperature is the coolest4. As the pantry fridge door is constantly being opened and closed all the time, its temperature can only be maintained from 7 to 9°C, where breastmilk is recommended to store in 4°C5. The compact refrigerator designated for breastmilk storage can maintain a constant temperature at 3°C. Also, because this fridge is limited to working mother, the hygiene of the fridge can also be well maintained; this can reduce the risk of contamination. Installation of the compact fridge in the same room for milk expression provides a convenient environment for staff and offers a security access to ensure safety of breastmilk. These 2 measures create a breastfeeding friendly environment, and help female staff in our department to strike a balance between work and continue breastfeeding. It is shown that the benefits of breastfeeding friendly workplace include reducing turnovers of staff, lowering absenteeism, reducing recruitment cost and retaining valuable corporate knowledge6. Therefore, we encourage female staff to show their concerns and preferences if they want to continue breastfeeding after maternal leave and discuss with management to establish a breastfeeding friendly workplace together.