Innovative Care for the Person with Dementia (PWD) - “10 minute Fast-sharing” and “This is me” in Acute Geriatrics Setting of Ruttonjee and Tang Shiu Kin Hospital (RTSKH)

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Yuen WM(1), Chan YK(1), Li HY(1), Ho SKS(1), Kng PLC(1), Mak PKF(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Department of Medicine & Geriatrics, Ruttonjee and Tang Shiu Kin Hospital
Introduction :
As prevalence of dementia increased with age, care of patient with dementia becoming a core business of Gerontological care. Poor understanding of the disease and lack of caring techniques result in sub-optimal quality of care. Boosting the practical skills of nurses in dementia care, Geriatrics team had introduced a “10 minutes scenario based sharing on dementia care” (Fast-sharing) in-service training and “我想您認識我更多(This is me)” pamphlet in acute geriatric wards.
Objectives :
(1) Equip nurses’ knowledge and understanding of dementia; (2) Efficiently share practical strategies on dementia care in a ward based training; (3) Promulgate person-centred care and build up a therapeutic relationship with individual client.
Methodology :
Dementia linked Advance Practice Nurses of two acute Geriatric wards conducted the “Fast-Sharing” for ward nurses every two months since December 2016. Each topic was repeated once to cover more participants. An interesting topic on Dementia was chosen by the team and scenarios used were based on real patients at wards. Pre- and post-assessments were administered to evaluate the growth of knowledge of participants. Further, the use of a colorful pamphlet “我想您認識我更多(This Is Me)” was introduced first in the 2 acute wards then extended to all Geri wards and the community in Jan 2018. Patient’s life background was acknowledged through this patient-centred approach; thus enhanced communication and facilitating care planning.
Result & Outcome :
20 sessions of sharing were conducted from Dec 2016 to Dec 2018 with 125 ward nurses participated with average pre-test score 38% and post-test score 91%. Nurses’ feedback showed high satisfaction rate of 94% on the usefulness and arrangement of the “Fast-Sharing”. Up to Nov 2018 about 160 and 250 pamphlets had been dispatched in Geriatrics wards and the community respectively. A satisfaction survey on 17 health care professionals in the community receive 100% positive attitude towards the use of “This Is Me”, which enhance their rapport with the elderly. Relatives also appreciated on the use of pamphlet and praised for nursing effort in performing person-centred care.
Advanced Practice Nurse

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