Patient Weight Scale Calibration for Nutritional Care in Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital (PYNEH)

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Chan YKJ1, 2, Yong Rose3, Ting A3, Cheong DL4, Lui SF5, Kwok CC2, Wong Ceinyls1, Li Alvina1, Lau CW1
Affiliation :
1 Quality & Safety Office, Hong Kong East Cluster (HKEC); 2 Department of Medicine; 3 Dietetics Department; 4 Nursing Services Division; 5 Department of Psychiatry, PYNEH
Introduction :
Body weight is important for assessment of patient nutritional status, and so accuracy of weight scales through regular calibration is imperative. However, because of the large number of weight scales, it could be difficult to implement hospital-wide calibration with limited manpower. There are potential occupational safety issues in carrying the reference weights for calibration. Outsourcing to commercial company or employing extra staff to do so is costly.
Objectives :
The HKEC Workgroup in Nutritional Care devised an efficient, economical and accurate calibration method to overcome the above problems, tested its feasibility, and calibrated all the in-patient electronic and hoist weight scales in PYNEH.
Methodology :
A standard weight set, including five 5-kg standard weights (for adult/pediatric scales) and one 0.5-kg standard weight (for infant scales), acted as the reference weights to calibrate some weight scales. For adult scale calibration, these calibrated weight scales were then used for measurement of the body weights of staff, who in turn acted as the “walking” reference weights to calibrate all other adult scales within 1-2 hours during which no significant body weight change should be expected. An accurate weight scale is defined as one which could give a weight measurement within 1% of the standard weight, by using actual weight set or human “walking” reference weight, in three repeated measurements. All readings were entered electronically in spreadsheet format. For Hoist Scale calibration, five 5-kg standard weights were used directly to get the three readings. For each calibrated scale, a dated label of accuracy was attached. Inaccurate scales were repaired or condemned.
Result & Outcome :
Results : The calibration exercise was done in seven afternoon sessions in November 2018. A total of 121 weight scales were calibrated within 8.5 hours by 7 staff in 7 sessions in 38 PYNEH wards, approximately 4 minutes per scale. No adverse event was encountered. Three (2.5%) weight scales, including two adult scales and one infant scale, were found to be inaccurate and were suspended from clinical use. Group members found this method feasible and accurate. Conclusion: We have devised a safe, efficient and economical calibration method for patient weight scales. 2.5% of weight scales were found to be inaccurate. The Workgroup would promulgate this calibration method to other HKEC hospitals.
Author, project leader

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