Nurse-led Empowerment Program on Supporting Home Therapy Management for Newly Trained Peritoneal Dialysis Patients

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Candic Tang(1), Lee SH(1)(2), Sharon Wong(1)(2), Hui KC(1)(2), Au CP(1)(2)
Affiliation :
(1)Medicine and Geriatrics, Princess Margaret Hospital, (2)Nephrology
Introduction :
Self-care is one of the most important elements in end stage renal failure patients on peritoneal dialysis. After PD training, applying knowledge and environmental change will lead to produce complications. The empowerment program can be strengthened their knowledge in managing complications and provided a good support to them.
Objectives :
Current practice was reviewed and reengineered a new empowerment program to newly trained peritoneal dialysis patients. The empowerment program can assess and review the PD knowledge and technique practice of them, so that we can identify their weakness and provide specific knowledge and technique for reinforcement. All the newly trained PD patients can pass the assessment (Passing rate >/=80/100 score) 1st assessment will be held within 1 week post training +/-2nd assessment if < 80/100 score. FU re-assessment will be held via the first SOPC FU visit
Methodology :
Newly trained PD patients are the most high-risk group in PD complication because of environment exchange between hospital and home setting and without nurse support after the PD training in renal unit. A CQI nursing team was formed to work out a new assessment tool to assess their knowledge on handling PD therapy at home via telephone visit within 1 week after the PD training and reinforcement given at once. 2nd assessment will be held if below 80/100 before first SOPC follow up. Reassessment of knowledge will be held on the first SOPC follow up for reinforcement.
Result & Outcome :
After implementing the new program for patient education on 1st Jan 2018 to the end of December 2018, total 76 patients had received the new empowerment program. Their overall patient's satisfaction rate was from 4 to 5 in a 5-point Likert scale, with average at 4.3. Total 76 patients assessed, 73 patients passed in the first assessment with average 87.5% score and increased to 97.7% score in FU assessment after knowledge reinforcement. Only 3 patients failed in first assessment with average 76% score and increased to 92.7% score in FU assessment after knowledge reinforcement.

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