To Ensure Quality and Safe Practice in Rehab Setting by “CROSS WARD NURSE ROUND”

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Poon CYM Cheng BW Man HK Chan YK Leung WM Fook SMS
Affiliation :
Department of Surgery, Shatin Hospitalqu
Introduction :
Shatin Hospital is a learning institution for nurse learners and we have many newly recruited nursing staff and fresh graduated nurses. In order to ensure quality and safe practice and increase their clinical experiences, a cross ward nurse round has been adopted in surgical department.
Objectives :
1. To help nurses engage frequently with patients; identify safety issues and fix patient-care solutions efficiently. 2. To advocate sharing of nursing expertise and promote professional development. 3. To enhance team members skill, technique and knowledge for quality and safe practice.
Methodology :
Since 2008, our department arranged a cross ward nurse round to facilitate clinical learning for all nurses especially newly graduates and nurse learners. The nurse round would be held weekly in 3 surgical wards and one clinical sharing session per month. Primary nurses presented nursing care of their designated patient during ward round. Ward Managers (WMs), Nursing Officer (NO) and Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) would review the care plan and provide comments immediately for the practice. Besides, complicated case and high risk case would be shared in the clinical sharing session. Both weekly presentation and clinical sharing facilitated an on-going senior review and peer review on potential risk and focus care of patients especially cases which required specific care. What was more, cross ward nurse round also aroused nurses to have reflection on their daily practice. So that quality and safe practice could be carried out.
Result & Outcome :
48 surveys collected and 100% of participates agreed that nurse round was useful to increase their clinical experience. This allowed them to carry out quality and safe nursing practice. Some special comments mentioned as below: - Junior staff: It would help to increase work efficiency. - Nurse learner: A good chance to inspire them and stimulate their learning. - New comer: It produced better output and boosted up better team’s morale, it helped to create a positive and productive environment. - APN : It aroused awareness on potential risk of patient and promoted nurses’ competency by interactive discussion and reflection. - WM: It allowed managerial level to understand more in-depth about strength and weakness of existing care in our department. Besides, it promoted a learning culture in nursing team.

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