Utilization of 2D barcode for enhancing efficiency and accuracy of tracking IPMOE medication

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Chu LMP (1), Lee KSP (1), Lo KCE (2), Law CH (2), Au Yeung KL (2), Ng YLE (3), Yip PHA(3), Kwok L (3), Luk SYC (3), Ho CYI (3), Lo TWH (3), Lo PMQ (4), Lam MS (4), Chiu PL (4), Wong CL (4)
Affiliation :
(1) Department of Pharmacy, Tuen Mun Hospital (2) Information Technology Section, Tuen Mun Hospital (3) Support Service Unit, Tuen Mun Hospital (4) Nursing Service Division, Tuen Mun Hospital
Introduction :
There are around 800-1200 batches of IPMOE medication issued from Pharmacy to wards every day. In the past, central porter used handwritten record as transportation log, which takes time and also prone to transcription error. Porter had to refer to manual record for tracing delivery status of IPMOE medication.
Objectives :
To ensure accurate and efficient documentation of transportation log from Pharmacy. Also, to ensure this information can be retrieved by porter staff and pharmacy staff easily.
Methodology :
After implementation of IPMOE, each batch of IPMOE medication bears a unique 2D barcode, indicating • Batch code • Delivery location A workgroup was formed in Sep 2017 with joint collaboration of pharmacy, IT, nursing and porter team. An in-house web-based program (IPMOE medication tracking system) was developed by IT team after consolidating user requirement. The system enables capturing departure time and status of medication by porters, as well as facilitating porter supervisors to chase medication.
Result & Outcome :
Efficiency of documenting transportation log has been increased. Scanning time of 2D barcode is short and estimate scanning time during peak hour for 150 batches of medication is around 7 min. System can handle high delivery volume in TMH. Error related to incorrect documentation of transportation log is minimized due to automatic capture of information, including check-in / check-out time, delivery location, porter name, medication batch code etc. Before implementation of the system, medication batch code was not recorded in transportation log. By quoting medication batch code during phone communication, ward, pharmacy, porter can trace the delivery status of IPMOE medication easily. By using new IT technology and effort of multi-disciplinary collaboration, IPMOE medication can be tracked and traced efficiently and accurately. The new system modernized documentation of drug delivery process, which reduce communication time for drug chasing and also ease searching of medication after leaving pharmacy and before reaching ward.

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