Initiative In Early Intervention And Shortening Orthopaedics Waiting Time By Fast-Track And Enhancement Of Physiotherapy In General Out-Patient Clinic And Family Medicine Specialist Clinic In Orthopaedics, Kowloon West Cluster

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Abstract Description


The waiting time for new case booking of Orthopaedics and Traumatology was over 100 weeks in Kowloon West Cluster (KWC) Specialist Out-Patient Clinic (SOPC). In November 2017, KWC Family Medicine Specialist Clinic in Orthopaedics (FMSC Ortho) started service provision to patients with stable musculoskeletal problems in FM clinic.


Physiotherapy (PT) support to FMSC Ortho commenced in General Out-Patient Clinic (GOPC), with collaboration between FM Department, Physiotherapy Department of Yan Chai Hospital (YCH) and Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH). Our target patients were those with degenerative joints pain and repetitive stress injuries.


We adopted triage and stratified model, which first screened referrals and offered physiotherapy consultation within 4 to 14 weeks. With the mode of individual assessment, exercise prescription, and exercise group, we aimed to provide patients with knowledge and self-management means on chronic pain. Patients who required secondary care would be referred to either YCH or PMH SOPC PT.

Results & Outcome

Since May 2018, there were 90 patients, including 32 male and 58 female with aged from 14-84, had discharged from FMSC Ortho physiotherapy service. 34%, 33% and 23% of patients suffered from back and neck pain, lower limb and upper limb problems respectively. The average treatment sessions required were 3.2 (from 2 to 7 sessions). About 19% cases had 100% improvement in terms of numeric pain rating scale, whereas 55% of cases had more than 50% improvement upon discharge. There were 4 cases (2%) had to refer back to SOPC PT for secondary care. Over 97% and 98% of patients expressed that the program was helpful to both their pain as well as early physiotherapy access.



Abstract ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
YEUNG TH (1), TAM CY (2), KWONG KK, NG OY (3) TSANG CF (4), CHAN KW, CHEUNG MY, LAI PY, IP SW, NG TK, WAN KY (5), YIU YK (6), LUK W(7), YUEN PM (8), LEUNG YY (9), FAN CC (10), LI L (11)
Affiliation :
Physiotherapist I (1)(3), Department of Family Medicine and Primary Health Care, Kowloon West Cluster Medical Officer (4), Associate Consultant (5), Consultant (6), Chief of Service (7), Department of Family Medicine and Primary Health Care, Kowloon West Cluster Physiotherapist I (2), Senior Physiotherapist (8), Department Manager (9), Physiotherapy Department, Princess Margaret Hospital, Kowloon West Cluster Senior Physiotherapist (10), Department Manager (11), Physiotherapy Department, Yan Chai Hospital, Kowloon West Cluster

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