Authors (including presenting author) :
Li KF, Sze SS, Wong SB
Affiliation :
Department of Medicine, Haven of Hope Hospital
Introduction :
New graduate nurses face great challenges as novices in wards and their learning curve is steep. Respiratory nursing tasks including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, non-invasive ventilation (NIV), inhalation medication and tracheostomy care are identified as the most challenging areas in an extended care hospital. In this regard, SUN program (Specific & Unique Nurse in respiratory nursing), which was devised in 2014 for nurses in respiratory wards, is expanded and has become part of the Preceptorship Program for new graduates and junior nurses.
Objectives :
To enhance knowledge and skills of new graduates and junior nurses on respiratory nursing.
Methodology :
A two-day structured respiratory nursing program was organized and led by Advanced Practice Nurses (APN) in October and November 2018. New graduate nurses and those with less than 3 years of experience were nominated to join. Key areas of respiratory nursing were covered including NIV, tracheostomy care, inhaler technique and pulmonary rehabilitation in the form of lectures, hands-on workshops and clinical visits hosted by Respiratory Specialists, APNs, Infection Control Nurse and pharmacist. All participants were invited to complete a pre- and post- program test comprising 20 multiple choice questions on topics covered. An evaluation was done at the end of program using Likert scale from 1 (worst) to 6 (best) and qualitative description.
Result & Outcome :
A total of 13 participants including 10 RN and 3 EN from Department of Medicine were recruited. Their post-registration experience ranged from 3 months to 23 months. Majority hold degrees in Nursing. There was a significant increase in mean score of the post-test compared to baseline (pre 11.46 vs post 17.31, p=0.01). The Likert Scale scores were 5.43 and 5.29 on meeting participants’ learning objectives and training needs respectively. The average overall satisfaction score was 5.36. Positive comments were noted as participants found the hands-on workshops practical and applicable to clinical setting especially the NIV and inhalation medication workshops. After the program, their compliance rate of inhaler technique assessment was on average 90%. Conclusion: SUN program is effective in promoting knowledge and skills of new graduates and junior nurses on respiratory nursing. Further similar training program is recommended.