The easiest way to minimize staff’s occupational hazards- The effectiveness of 3D printing tailor- made tools by Occupational Therapy Department in Kwong Wah Hospital

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Cheng C K (1), Wong S Y(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Occupational Therapy Department, Kwong Wah Hospital
Introduction :
By making use of ergonomic- design- principle and 3D printing technology, Occupational Therapy Department in Kwong Wah Hospital has fabricated different tools in minimizing the staff’s potential hazard during work. This time some specially designed tools (3D printed openers and splint pan cover extended handle) have been chosen for illustrating the beneficial effect and importance of designing appropriate tools.
Objectives :
To explore the staff’s posture difference before and after using specially designed tools
Methodology :
The photos of staff’s postures and videos before and after using 3D printed tools has been taken and used to compare the posture difference. The lesser the awkward posture, the lesser the risk of injury to the operator would be. The work process of two targeting tasks: {(1) Turning on and off oxygen cylinder and (2) Opening the splint pan cover were selected for analysis.} were assessed.
Result & Outcome :
1) For opening the gas valve switch of oxygen cylinder, after using the new tool, the operator is using less finger exertion and easier to open the valve by using lever principle 2) For opening the splint pan cover, using 3D printed handle allows the staff to open the cover without excessive trunk forward bending. Good tools are prerequisite to the success. Providing effective and appropriate tools to staff can change the working posture spontaneously and in turns prevent staff from injury. 3D printing technology is the easiest and cheapest way to design and fabricate tailor- made tools according to different circumstances.

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