Electronic Bed Panel, a pilot project to strengthen communication and care at bedside

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Abstract Description
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Authors (including presenting author) :
TANG PY (1), LAI CS (1), WU SY (1), TONG YH (1), WAN CNJ (1), AU WC (1), CHEUNG NT (1)
Affiliation :
(1) Information Technology and Health Informatics Division, HAHO, HKSAR
Introduction :
Signage cards with care information have been widely used in hospital wards. Some local hospitals developed their own electronic systems to serve the purpose of displaying patient care information at bedside. However, these silo systems without interfacing with corporate systems require duplication of data entry and subsequent updates by clinical staff. In 2018 Oct, HA developed a mobile application, the Electronic Bed Panel, to serve the corporate need of displaying care information for communication among health care professionals and care givers, and to save staff’s effort for duplicated input of similar information into multiple systems.
Objectives :
(1) To capture and display care information of patient’s bedside activities and clinical care (2) To interface with other existing Hospital Authority (HA) systems, include Patient Administration Systems (PAS), Corporate Allergy, Patient Assessment Form (Nursing) and Patient Assessment Form (Paediatric) so as to avoid duplication of data entry among multiple systems (3) To facilitate timely mobile updates of care information at bedside
Methodology :
The design of Electronic Bed Panel allows flexibilities in the content and layout of care information to-be-display. It consists of three main sections: (1) The Patient information section contains of ward/bed number, Chinese/English name or nickname; (2) The Patient Care Information section with consolidated categories of care items provided by ward/specialty/hospital; (3) The Staff information section contains of Clinician/nurse name and team information. (4) The data integration from other HA systems. The data set can be customized by local hospital as ward/specialty/hospital based. During ward transfer, care information can be brought forward if same data set are used in both wards. Other user friendliness features include flipping between English and Chinese display, color choice for different care categories, roll or pause of the Rolling section to cater for extra information display, day or night display options and brightness setting.
Result & Outcome :
The project was initiated in Oct 2017 under Smart Hospital Program and the development of Electronic Bed Panel application was completed in Oct 2018. The team has worked closely with different stakeholders and pilot sites for the requirement consolidation and design refinement of Electronic Bed Panel. This application will be piloted in selected wards of PMH, HKCH and TSWH in 2019. Post pilot review and evaluation focus on user satisfaction and benefits of the system. The project team look forward to further development of more integrated functionalities with other corporate systems so as to enhance communication, save time via systems interface and improve efficiency of patient care in HA.

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