Authors (including presenting author) :
Siu WS (1)
Affiliation :
(1) Accident and Emergency Department, United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
Febrile child is commonly seen in Accident and Emergency Department (AED) with stable condition and usually being categorized as semi-urgent and non-urgent. Usually their caregivers are overly reactive to their children’s stable condition and showed worries and anxiety.
Objectives :
(1) To asses caregiver’s knowledge in taking care of a febrile child. (2) To provide up-to-date information in taking care of a febrile child
Methodology :
Caregiver of febrile child, who is under 12, is invited to join this programme in a way of convenient sample with a verbal consent. He/she will first be invited to fill a survey which collecting caregiver’s background and knowledge on taking care of a febrile child. An updated education on taking care of a febrile child is then delivered. Questions from caregivers are allowed to ask during the education. The caregiver is invited to fill the same questionnaire at the end of education. A pamphlet on fever education is given to caregiver upon discharge.
Result & Outcome :
A total of 39 febrile child educations are delivered, estimated 585 minutes education time is delivered. Caregiver scores 45.2% in pretest and 97% in post test. Re-attendance (within 48 hours of their first visits) rate is 7.69% . Knowledge deficit on taking care of a febrile child is showed by all caregivers. All of them showed a significant improvement after the fever education delivered. They verbally report a higher competencies in taking care of a febrile child. Some of them express their gratitude towards this education programme.