Smart and Skillful Nursing Management of Patients with Indwelling Pleural Catheter

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Abstract Description
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Kwong KK(1), Cheuk MW(2), Fung YYE(2), Li CY(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Special Accommodation Ward, (2) Division of Respiratory Medicine, Department of Medicine and Geriatrics, Ruttonjee & Tang Shiu Kin Hospitals
Introduction :
Indwelling Pleural Drainage is a low-volume but high-risk bedside procedure. Nursing management of patients with Indwelling Pleural Catheter (IPC) is different from the traditional intercostal drainage. Potential risks of tension pneumothorax, wound infection, pneumonia, and sudden conditions deterioration leading to respiratory failure are concerned. Nursing training program was conducted in RTSKH in providing useful and practical information on the nursing management in caring patients with IPC. It is crucial to identify and eliminate any knowledge gaps of nursing colleagues for quality and safety concerns.
Objectives :
1. Assess basic knowledge of nurses in caring of patients with IPC 2. Be competent in nursing management of indwelling pleural drainage 3. Identify safety concerns when managing IPC
Methodology :
This was a pre- and post-study. Nurses working in Special Accommodation Ward and Respiratory Medicine Wards would be the target group to explore their knowledge and skills on caring of IPC. Pre-lecture video, one-hour classroom based theoretical input and return-demonstration were adopted in facilitating the training. Continuous data were shown as the mean ± standard deviation (SD).
Result & Outcome :
From July to November 2018, there were 96 respondents who participated in the study. Working experience ranged among 1-4 years (38.54%), >4-8 years (10.42%) and >8 years (51.04%). Of these, 41 respondents (39.05%) had experience in managing IPC on their daily nursing operations. The overall mean score of knowledge on nursing management of patients with IPC of the respondents were 60.73 in the pre-test which increased to 88.33 in the post-test after the staff training program. The standard deviation (SD) was from 16.94 to 14.63. The difference was found to be significant. A set of skill return-demonstration to assess the safe application of IPC bottle of nurses was carried out. 100% compliance (n=96) was noted. No concurrent finding was found. Nurses reported that application of IPC bottle was safe, easy to monitor and user-friendly. The study was well demonstrated that proactive educational intervention regarding the management of patients with IPC for nurses could enhance safety alert, knowledge and safe application of IPC bottle of nursing professionals. The knowledge levels were shown to be significant. Full compliance in skill return-demonstration was achieved, revealing nurses was familiar with the nursing management of IPC bottle for indwelling pleural drainage that could facilitate the quality and safe with fruitful outcomes. It is recommended to be one of the bedside procedures training in nurses orientation program for sustainability.

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