One Stop Service for Patients Receiving Autologous Haemopoietic Stem Cell Transplant

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Ng YB, Kwok KC, Lei WS, Pang CK, Wong YS
Affiliation :
Division of Hematology and Hematology Oncology Department of Medicine and Geriatrics United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
Autologous Haemopoietic Stem Cell transplant (AHSCT) is a common treatment option for patients with lymphoma or myeloma nowadays. Around 50% lymphoma patients can be cure and myeloma patients can prolong the life around 2 years after AHSCT. The AHSCT service has been established in United Christian hospital (UCH) since Aug 2013 and around 12 cases to have the treatment every year. Aims for well preparation for the patients to receiving treatment and minimize the complications, the service model of “case manager” was established to provide holistic care to the patients who plan to proceed AHSCT.
Objectives :
Provide one stop service to the patient for better patient benefit and outcome.
Methodology :
Training for Case Manager Two Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) selected to be the case manager who completed the Post-Registration Certificate Course in Hematology & Bone Marrow Transplantation Nursing and Apheresis course. They were seconded to Apheresis unit and Bone Marrow Transplant unit for clinical skills enhancement in Queen Mary Hospital. They also joined four weeks overseas training in a hospital of Australia to enrich their exposure. Collaboration with Multidisciplinary Team The case manager is act as a service coordinator to collaboration with multidisciplinary team to set up the guidelines and make the service arrangement. Furthermore, the case manager works with the Hematologist closely to facilitate the service smoothly and maximize the patient’s benefit. Case Manager Model When the patient diagnosed lymphoma or myeloma, the case manager will interview the patient and relatives to explain the treatment plan, complications, prognosis, and related health education. The case manager will follow the patient’s treatment progress and arrangement of AHST schedule. The case manager set up the nurse clinic to provide health assessment, workup and health education to patients and relatives before transplantation, as well as post-transplantation follow up and monitoring.
Result & Outcome :
The AHSCT established in UCH of KEC since August 2013. Total 60 patients received the treatment till October 2018. Total 43 of them were suffering from Myeloma and 17 of them diagnosed lymphoma. All of them were well recovery after AHSCT without severe complications. The patient satisfaction surveys are highly appreciated of the service model and facilitated they go through patient’s journey smoothly during disease management.

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