The "Best Practice of communication methods" facilitates nurses' communication with alert patient who has difficulty speaking clearly

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Yiu MF(1), Yeung NK(1), Lo LF(1), Lee SL(1), Au Yeung WM(1), Tam LC(1), Lor KC(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Lai King Building, Princess Margaret Hospital
Introduction :
About 21-38% of patient who experience stroke develop aphasia. Impairment in communication is the 1st clinical sign of dementia. Communication problem is the common complication among patient with stroke and dementia. From Clinical data analysis and reporting system, the number of stroke patient in LKB on 2016/2017 was 444 with average length of stay 30.9 days. Due to long length of stay, better communication can facilitate rehabilitation and discharge planning.
Objectives :
To explore the current nurses' communication methods with patient who has difficulty speaking clearly in LKB
Methodology :
1.Study Design : Cross-Survey 2.Development of Instrument : Survey Questionnaire (Self-report & True and False) - CVI 0.857 and Test-retest reliability 0.9. Direct Observation checklist -CVI 1.0 & Inter-rater reliability100%. 3.Data collection : from 11 Oct to 16 Nov 2017. a.True and False questionnaire -Total no. was 104 (100% response rate). -Total average score percentage was 86% -Update nurses’ communication skill & knowledge b.Direct Observation -Total no was 14. -Good in environment,attitude & physical. -Fair in Verbal communication -Seldom use in Visual aids c.Self-report -78% response rate -Nurses realized need for Visual aids.
Result & Outcome :
I.Discussion Share the result among EBP group member and draw up the followings: 1.Update nurses’ communication skill and knowledge 2.Develop standardized visual aids. 3.To facilitate accessibility of the visual aids kit in clinical setting. II.Recommendation 1.Refresher on communication skill and knowledge in communicating with aphasia patient is recommended. 2.Plan to develop Visual aids kit, include standardized communication cards and written board. 3.Facilitate accessibility of visual aids kit in clinical setting.

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