Pilot Study of Using Interferential Therapy to Treat Intellectual Disability Patient with Slow-Transit Constipation

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
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Authors (including presenting author) :
TANG TH(1), CHAN HK(2), LAW PM(3), LY YF(1)(2)(3)
Affiliation :
(1)Physiotherapy Department, Castle Peak Hospital, (2)Physiotherapy Department, Siu Lam Hospital, (3)Physiotherapy Department, Tuen Mun Hospital
Introduction :
Slow-Transit Constipation is commonly seen in clients due to inactivity and the effect of antipsychotic or antidepressant medications. Slow-transit constipation (also called delayed transit and colonoparesis) is defined as prolonged stool transit (>3 days) through the colon. Patients typically have prolonged time between bowel movements, experience lack of urge to defecate, abdominal distension, and worse symptoms with a high-fiber diet.
Objectives :
We aimed at to introduce the Interferential therapy to improve the defecation frequency of Intellectual Disability patient with slow-transit constipation
Methodology :
By using InterferntialTherapy (Proposed Mechanism) • With the electrode position used, sensory and motor nerve at T9-T12 could be affected • Sympathetic and parasympathetic, enteric nerve or smooth muscle cells in intestinal wall would be stimulated • Promote colonic mobility
Result & Outcome :
1. 5 clients (2 Male, 3 Female) completed 4 weeks training 2. MFAC = lyer (2), walker (3) 3. Mean age:47.5 +/- 6.35 4. Total sessions: 12 Outcome: Pre ( Mean) Post (Mean) i. Amount 2.4+/-0.54 2.8+/-0.45 ii. Texture 4.8+/-1.09 4.8+/-0.44 iii. Frequency 3.6+/-2.07 1.6+/-2.30 iv. Supposition pre week 3.5+/-1.92 3+/-1.52 v. Enema per month 0.5+/-0.55 0.25+/-0.45 Bristol Stool Chart (1. amount and 2. texture) are ordinal data and therefore non-parametric test (Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test) are used to compare related means (pre and post). There are no significant difference between the pre and post value in amount (p=0.157) and texture (p=1.000) respectively. The Bowel Open (BO), suppository and enema frequency are ratio data and normality test for run for each sets of data. Only enema per week attained normal distribution for pre and post value only. Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test are used to compare the pre and post frequency of BO, suppository and enema. There are no significant difference between pre and post frequency in all 3 categories. (BO, p=0.317; Suppository, p=0.577; Enema per week, p=0.317; Enema per month, p=0.317)

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