Authors (including presenting author) :
CHENG PP Peggy, NC (Gerontology); CHIU KY , APN
Affiliation :
Central Nursing Division
Introduction :
Caring Culture Team was established in Yan Chai Hospital since October 2015, it aims to align with the Hospital’s Vision: “To be a caring, cheerful & dependable hospital”. The main focus of “We care our patient and staff as well - 荃仁齊關顧” includes Patient/Caregiver aspects, Caring Environment, Staff Training and Staff Engagement. A Staff Satisfaction Survey for nurses and care-related supporting staff (CRSS ) was conducted in May 2018 to assess the staff experience on our Caring Culture and seek for further quality improvement.
Objectives :
• To promote a caring and supportive atmosphere among nursing and care-related supporting staff in Yan Chai Hospital • To reinforce Nursing is a humanistic, sensitive and caring profession. • To implement person-centered care to assure quality nursing practice
Methodology :
A set of questionnaire was divided into 3 parts, Part I & III are “Yes/ NO” plus open questions, concerning their understanding and satisfaction to Care Culture Team. Part II was using 5-point Likert scales (1 = Strongly disagree, 5 = Strongly agree) question, asking them to rate the effectiveness of the team activities in improving the caring culture and their willingness to participate in the activities of Caring Culture Team. The survey was conducted by convenience sampling. The questionnaires were distributed by a person (the surveyor) to individual staff members at their own convenience. Face-to-face interview and booklet would be provided for further explanation if required.
Result & Outcome :
- 204 questionnaires (165 nurses; 39 CRSS) were received, 79% recognized the Team through posters, webpage, emails and from colleagues. - 67% were able to memorize and list the team activities e.g. walking stairs and received apples (行樓梯送蘋果), seasonal gifts and the Caring Culture Promotion Week. - The most delighted activities (mean score 4.05) was food sharing for seasonal celebration. The 2nd highest 4.03 was direct appreciation and encouragement given to them at the workplace. The 3rd 3.94 was “Clinical Highlights” to support their inspiration on caring culture. - 95.1% satisfied with the Team and would invite colleagues to join the forthcoming events. A caring and positive working environment are created and enhanced. Staff enagement and empowerment are reinforced. Caring exerts our desire to endeavor the strive for its excellence in caring our patients and staff as well.