Physical and Psychological Enhancement in Patients with Chronic Pain who Participating Health Qigong Program: a Pilot Study

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Chan CMB(1), Louie TMF (1)
Affiliation :
(1)Occupational Therapy Department, Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital
Introduction :
Health Qigong (HQG) is a mind-body activity i.e.consisted of coordinated slow flowing body postures/movements, controlled deep breathing and mindfulness. Patients with chronic pain are usually suffered from restricted, fear-avoided body movement; low self-efficacy and psychological burden. Ba Duan Jin is considered the most fundamental form in HQG which is suitable for patients with chronic pain.
Objectives :
The purpose of the study was to investigate active participation of HQG (Ba Duan Jin) can increase self-efficacy in daily functioning and improve psychological well-being in patients with chronic pain.
Methodology :
Subjects diagnosed with chronic pain and referred for HQG program were recruited in the study. A weekly 10-sessions of HQG program (Ba duan qian) was led by an occupational therapist for a group of 10 subjects within 3 months. Outcome measures – Pain Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (PSEQ)and WHO Well Being Index (WHO-5) were conducted before and after HQG program. PSEQ is a 10-item self-rating questionnaire rating from 0-6-point score where 0 correlates with not confident and 6 correlates with completely confident in coping with activities of daily life despite of pain. Four items related to leisure, social home and work domains of PSEQ were selected for data analysis. WHO-5 is used for measuring subjective quality of life based on positive mood, vitality and general interest. It is consisted of 5 items rated on 6-point Likert scale with higher score indicates better well-being. Wilcoxon signed-rank test were chosen for statistical analysis.
Result & Outcome :
Twenty-two subjects (female:13; male:4) with mean age of 51.7 years old (range from 29 – 66) were completed HQG program. Most of them (16; 72.7%) were suffered from low back pain. Pre and post mean score of WHO-5 (11.05 vs 13.32), PSEQ (28.68 vs 29.77), sub-item home (2.78 vs 2.86),sub-item social (3.14 vs 3.31), sub-item work (2.23 vs 2.77) and sub-item leisure (2.77 vs 3.23) were compared. Particiants showed significant improvement in psychological well-being (p<0.00) after participation in HQG program. Result of this pilot study demonstrates that participation in HQG program can enhance pain self-efficacy in performing daily functioning and psychological well-being in patients with chronic pain.

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