Authors (including presenting author) :
Li OME(1), Chan ONW(1), Cheung YP(1), Leung SM(1)
Affiliation :
Operating Theatre & Theatre Services Centre, Princess Margaret Hospital
Introduction :
Unstable pelvic ring fracture that usually caused by high energy trauma is often associated with life-threatening bleeding. Literatures show that pelvic packing, external fixation of pelvic and angioplasty are nowadays widely adopted as a combo treatment to unstable pelvic fracture. Pelvic packing is effective in providing haemodynamic stability to patient and effeicient with its strength in lesser preparation time while comparing with angioplasty. It also improves mortality by minimizing delay of other life-saving interventions. However, wound infection and retention of foreign body are matters arising from gauze packing into patient's body. Besides, the effectiveness of haemostasis depends on the quality of packing material used. In Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH) Operating Theatre (OT), the trend of this practice is gradually adopted. In order to enhance knowledge of staff, this project focuses on specifications and popularity of various packing materials currently available in PMH OT for clinical reference.
Objectives :
To improve patient safety by reviewing and analysing the use of packing materials in abdominal or pelvic packing to enhance trauma services
Methodology :
Review current practice on the use of pelvic packing materials and analyze the quality of different packing materials on their quality of haemostsis and risks of retaining in patient's body.
Result & Outcome :
A table of different packing materials comparison was made for clinical reference. Staff promulgation was conducted through either lectures or team sharing approach. Total 64 (64.6%) nursing staff in OT were breifed. A questionnaire was used to collect staff feedback on the presentation and the project. Total 64 questionnaires were distributed and 60 returned. Response rate was 93.75%. The result showed that 96.6-98.3% nurses showed satisfaction / very satified to the presentation which includes location, readability and audibility of presented material, length of presentation, and selected topic. 95-96.6% nurses expressed satisfied and very satisfied about the project including content, rundown, usefulness to work, worthwhile to attend, enriching staff knowledge. 96.6% staff expressed the table could help them while preparation for trauma patients with pelvic fracture.