Music Intervention to Virtual Ward End of Life Patients in Community

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
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Authors (including presenting author) :
WONG E(1), KWAN SY(1), HO N(1), TANG V(1), LIU MC(1), CHEUNG CY(1), CHENG M(2), CHOW FK(2)
Affiliation :
(1) Community Nursing Services, Kowloon Hospital, (2) Rehabilitation Department, Kowloon Hospital
Introduction :
Virtual Ward (VW) is one of the Funded Program of Community Nursing Service and Rehabilitation Department of Kowloon Hospital. Its ultimate goal is to provide Holistic Care and End of Life Care for frail patients with organ failure, chronic disease or cancer in home environment. VW patients have psychological distress that requires medical and nursing support. In the past, introduction of music to patient care was uncommon for therapeutic purpose. In fact, music has a significant positive impact on End of Life patients. With the pleasant and favorable music, patients can reduce their anxiety and pain.
Objectives :
Music intervention to VW patients is important to lessen their anxiety, pain and promote their wellness of quality of life.
Methodology :
Music intervention was introduced to eight VW patients during Jan 2018 – Mar 2018. The nursing care duration was 3 months. VW nurses explored patients’ favorite music such as Chinese opera songs or religious songs. In addition, nurses also prepared the lyric, as well as musical instruments e.g. hand bell, xylophone and rattle. Patient and nurses sang the song and played the instrument together. Numeric Pain Rating Scale (NPRS) pain measurement was adopted to evaluate the effectiveness of music intervention. At the end of the care, qualitative interviews were conducted to patients and VW staff.
Result & Outcome :
Result: After the music intervention, the average NPRS of patients decreased from 4.9 to 3.3. Patients’ pain was relieved by 32.7%. Qualitative interviews: Patients expressed they enjoyed the music very much and they had a happy moment when they were singing. Hence, their pain and anxiety were decreased. Outcome: Music had a significant positive and beneficial impact on VW patients. Both the feedback of patients and VW staff were positive. Music is not only reducing pain and anxiety but also increase the happiness for those End Of Life patients. The encouraging result has important implications for promotion of music to VW patients.

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