Enhancing Patient Education on Pulmonary Function Tests (PFTs)

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Abstract Description
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Fong KWC, Chan SYK, Yan KS, Wong TMK, Chan CW, Chu ECL, Lee SH, Tsang SF, Wong BSC, Fok KL, Li YR, Chan KL, Fong W, Yuen PH
Affiliation :
Electro-Diagnostic Unit, Caritas Medical Centre
Introduction :
Pulmonary Function Tests (PFTs) are noninvasive tests to show health status of lungs. It is useful to provide guidance on best treatment for patients with airway diseases, such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. However, all along in our centre, when patients book PFTs, they are only provided with a basic instruction sheet on test preparation and list of medications to withhold. In order to improve the quality of our services and to grasp the opportunity for patient education, a programme on “Enhancing Patient Education on Pulmonary Function Tests (PFTs)” was rolled out in 1Q 2018. This programme was divided into 2 phases- phase I: revise and update patient education information; phase II: produce a demonstration video on PFTs in 1Q 2019.
Objectives :
Phase I of this programme acted as a prelude: (1) revise and update patients’ instruction sheet of PFTs to accommodate various new inhalers; (2) design a display board with real samples of inhaled medications to help explanation to older patients; (3) provide individual patient education on request.
Methodology :
After rolling out the phase I programme for a 6-month period, a telephone survey was done to collect feedback from patients. Subjects were patients who returned for PFT after the intervention from March to September, 2018.
Result & Outcome :
Over these 6 months, a total of 485 patients had PFTs. Of these, 133 patients agreed to take part in the questionnaire. 95% respondents were satisfied with our staff’s working attitude. Regarding our enhancement programme, 85% were satisfied with the new patient instruction sheet and 77% felt the new exhibition board for inhaled medication was useful for them. 97% patients agreed that we had provided detailed and clear explanation of PFTs and over service enquiry. 97% of users reported positive or satisfactory comments on our overall performance. Majority of the patients appreciated our exhibition board of inhaled medication and environment. Some of them suggested us to provide more details about the tests and produce a demonstration video on PFTs. Conclusion:
Patients showed satisfaction to this phase I enhancement programme and the phase II programme will commence in 1Q 2019 to further improve the quality of our services.

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