Authors (including presenting author) :
LAU BKK (1), FOOK SM(2), YIP KT(1), LAM SL(1), POON CY(2), LAI WK(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Physiotherapy Department, Shatin Hospital
(2) Department of Surgery, Shatin Hospital
Introduction :
Surgical patients admitted to Shatin Hospital require active physiotherapy training to facilitate their recovery. The transportation of patients from 9th floor surgical ward to 2nd floor physiotherapy department gymnasium is time-consuming and may also impose risk for patients with unstable condition. In addition, time is crucial once there is any emergency that require rapid transfer of patients back to their ward. WISER approach was utilized in this program to analyze causes and provide solutions.
Objectives :
1. To minimize risk during transportation of patients to receive physiotherapy training by shortening transportation time and distance.
2. To enhance service quality by providing more attentive care and individual training.
Methodology :
The issue of long transportation time for providing physiotherapy training for surgical patients was discussed among frontline colleague and management. Tools including value-stream map, Pareto chart and spaghetti diagram were used to analyze the wastage time and route required during the rehabilitation transportation arrangement. After analysis, it was decided to set up a satellite gym for surgical patients on the same floor where surgical wards situated, in order to minimize the transportation time and distance.
Result & Outcome :
The new transportation arrangement was started on 30th July 2018. After an installation of a new satellite gym, the total transportation time required for patients to receive physiotherapy training reduced by 52%, from 21 minutes to 10 minutes. Patients with high exercise risks including history of postural hypotension, confusion behavior, and limited sitting endurance were recruited for training in this venue. However, due to size limitation of the satellite gym, it could only accommodate 8 patients at most. From the 30th July to the 7th December, total attendance of 612 patients was recorded in this new arrangement. The daily attendance of patients in main gym on the 2nd floor of physiotherapy department also reduced from 24 to 18 in average. Patients in the main gym could thus receive more attentive care and individualized training.
With the introduction of satellite gym, high-risks patients previously excluded from gym training due to various conditions could be recruited for more intensive training. Additionally, with the reduction of number of patients in the main gym, both parties of patients whether attending the satellite gym or the main gym could receive higher quality of care and closer supervision. Therefore, it is recommended to continue the use of satellite gym and evaluate its benefits after a longer period of usage.