Authors (including presenting author) :
Tam SM (1)
Affiliation :
(1)Neurosurgery, Princess Margaret Hospital
Introduction :
Neurosurgical department in PMH commenced NGR for betterment of nursing development since 2011. It holds at a regular time in which provides a sharing and discussion platform for knowledge acquisition by covering wide range of topics, from disease-based patient care to emergency situation; from department issue to hospital upcoming audit and event. By integrating knowledge and skills through the discussion, the staffs are more competent and showed benefit on maintaining standard nursing care. Moreover, the recent hospital and department policy discussion improve the ward climate and coherence with the nursing standard.
Objectives :
To evaluate the effectiveness of nursing grand round (NGR) for professional knowledge and competency development in PMH neurosurgical department
Methodology :
A cross-sectional study with Staff evaluation form on Nursing Grand Round was designed. Convenience sample of full time registered nurses (n=32) in the neurosurgical department during the period of 15th Oct 2017 to 3rd Nov 2017 was collected. There were total 10 questions with Likert Scale from 1 to 5 in which ‘1’ was indicated as strongly disagree and ‘5’ as strongly agree and 3 opened-ended questions. The mean score of items were calculated and took into two decimal places.
Result & Outcome :
The respond rate was 100%. The satisfactory mean score was 3.89 with the highest mean score 4 on the sharing on the discussion on disease/ procedure and the lowest score of 3.47 on the duration and frequencies of the nursing grand round. The interest and concern on the disease topics are update care plan, the hospital issue, the special situation encountered, and the clinical procedure. The sharing platform provided a discussion period on the topics concerned. Staying overtime for NGR and difficulty to find suitable timeslot due to uncontrollable ward situation for NGR are the barriers commented. Recommedation and action taken to overcome the obstacles. Periodic review is recommended to improve the satisfaction and identified the barriers of nursing staff on NGR