Use of Extreme Means of Documentation in Laboratory Practice: Closed-circuit Televisions (CCTV) at Anatomical Pathology (AP) Laboratory

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Lee YK
Affiliation :
Anatomical Pathology Division, Department of Clinical Pathology, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, HKEC
Introduction :
Anatomical Pathology (AP) laboratory, one of the divisions of the Department of Clinical Pathology, provides diagnostic services based on macroscopic, microscopic and molecular examination of patients’ specimens. In the laboratory, specimens travel a complex journey involving multiple steps of manual handling and transferring before microscopic examination. The traceability of specimens and their derivatives throughout the process is a difficult but critical issue during the investigation of incidents. Regarding the importance of traceability, Closed-circuit televisions (CCTV) are installed in the AP laboratory to record the essential procedures in the specimen journey.
Objectives :
Strengthens the traceability of specimens. Serves as a potential supporting proof of staff compliance with the standard operating procedures in the critical steps of specimen handling. The extreme means of documentation has the highest credibility in comparison to other means in the investigation of incidents. Facilitates in drills of handling suspected specimen mix-up or contamination.
Methodology :
CCTVs are installed at workstations including Specimen Reception, Tissue wrapping, Embedding and Sectioning for recording the critical steps of the entire specimen journey. Confidential video records fully cover the working hours can be accessed by authorized persons.
Result & Outcome :
As the proof of staff compliance with the standard operating procedures in the critical steps have been obtained , both the traceability of specimens and quality of service are enhanced.

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