Authors (including presenting author) :
Leung CK(1), Wu MC(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Geriatric Medical Unit, Grantham Hospital
Introduction :
Walking aids need is common in Geriatric Medical Unit (no matter newly suggested by Physiotherapist or they need it before admission), but no walking aids is provided for them timely. As a result, 1.Their ADL in ward would become more dependent which lead to longer length of stay. 2.Increased fall risk with no suitable walking aids for them. 3.Decreased self-esteem and confidence for rehabilitation (they can only walk with suitable walking aids with PT) which prone to decrease rehabilitation progress and potential.
Objectives :
Suitable Walking aids could be available for patients on time
Methodology :
Target Patient: Able to walk with recommended walking aids independently or under supervision. (Red Dot Mobility Score graded 1 with walking aids) 1.Walking aids as suggested by PT were purchased. 2.Those walking aids stored in staff toilet would be placed next to patient beds with suitable height adjusted by PT for that patient. 3.Magnetic sticker of that walking aids would be posted in patient bedhead board. 4.Sticker to remind that walking aids could be used as healthcare staff recommendation on each walking aids
Result & Outcome :
1.The self-care ability of patient could be maximized in safe manner. 2.No fall incident increased. 3.Early mobilization and rehabilitation of client could be achieved. 1. The (suitable) walking aids availability rate is 92% after 2 days of physiotherapy referred for mobility training. 2.No fall incident occurred among selected patient. 3.No episode of misuse of walking aids 4.Length of stay is 9.8 for discharged selected case (10.3 in 2017)