Geriatric Emergency Nurse Coordinator (GENC): An evidence-based Approach in Screening & Managing Geriatric Patients in Hong Kong Emergency Department

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Law YC,Chan YK,Lam CY,Mak HM,Wong LH,Liu SY
Affiliation :
Introduction :
Aging population is a major public health concern in Hong Kong. Such dramatic increasing proportion of geriatric population will create a great burden on the health care system, especially for the service of emergency department (ED) including high re-attendance rate and hospitalization.
Objectives :
The objective of this study is to formulate an evidence-based discharge intervention guideline for geriatric patients in order to improve geriatric care in Hong Kong ED.
Methodology :
This study was an evidence-based approach by using John Hopkins Nursing Evidence Based Practice Model (JHNEBP). After the literature review and appraisal, the literatures were then categorized into level I to V evidence with quality class A to class C. Findings were abstracted from the literatures based on different aspects which including: patient characteristics, sample size, intervention, outcome measures, time interval of data collection, study result and recommendation.
Result & Outcome :
An ameliorated geriatric front door program guideline was formulated after literatures appraisal. There are four main focus points in this guideline, forming a quick response team; to set up a clear inclusion and exclusion criteria of potential candidates; providing tailored made care plan; and extending the service time. A quick response team with the leading from GENC is suggested to facilitate screening and program implementation.

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