Empowerment Programme for Type 2 Diabetes Patients and Caregivers

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Mak CK(1), Li KY(1), Ko SH(1), Kwong WY(1), Chan SK(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Department of Rehabilitation and Extended Care, TWGHs Wong Tai Sin Hopital
Introduction :
In medical setting in hospital, type 2 DM is one of the most common diseases. But type 2 DM patients’ self-management skills gradually depleted after DM education by DM nurse as time goes by. For TWGHs Wong Tai Sin Hospital (WTSH) patients who need re-assessment and re-education DM knowledge, nurses will refer DM nurses in Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital. Patients needed about 2 weeks time to await DM nurse in OLMH to follow up. Empowerment programme is needed to fill the service gap to evaluate, re-educate and enhance DM patients who had gradually depleted DM knowledge, insulin injection techniques and self-confidence.
Objectives :
To fill the service gap between general practice nurses and specialty nurses. During the waiting time, the programme can empower DM patients. To evaluate and re-educate type 2 DM patients.
Methodology :
The programme is a time-series design to evaluate the effectiveness of the programme by comparing the pre- and post-programme DM knowledge, insulin injection techniques and subject’s satisfaction of the selected type 2 DM patients. The programme was conducted from 1st June 2017 till now (December 2018). In the first week of admission, patients' self-confidence, DM knowledge, insulin techniques and blood glucose self-monitoring will be assessed. Then, the programme will be conducted in a group and individual session for knowledge and insulin skill education in the first week of admission. The empowerment session will be last for 2 weeks for continuous evaluation, encouragement and education. Post-programme DM knowledge, insulin injection techniques and patients' self-confidence will be evaluated. Reinforcement and refer DM nurse will be given if necessary.
Result & Outcome :
Sections of the empowerment programme were conducted. The comparison of pre- and post-programme scores in questionnaire was analyzed by paired t-test. Statistical analyses were performed by using SPSS Statistical Software. The type I error rate was set at 0.05. The questionnaire score of DM patients in post-programme is significantly higher than that in pre-programme (p=0.001) till 1st December 2018. The questionnaire score of caregivers in post-programme is significantly higher than that in pre-programme too. Patients’ reflection on the entire empowerment program is based on three items: patients' insulin injection techniques, increase of self-confidence and knowledge gain after the program. More than 70% participants rated natural to very agree for having benefit from the programme till 1st December 2018.

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