Service Enhancement of Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy (OPAT) in Princess Margaret Hospital

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Leung WS (1),Chan SK (2), Tsang TY (1)(2), Chik SH (1), Lee WM (2), Pun KF (2), Wong KF(2), Tsang NK (2), Leung OY (2)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Medicine and Geriatrics, Princess Margaret Hospital (2)Hospital Authority Infectious Disease Centre
Introduction :
The Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy (OPAT) service provides outpatient-based management of certain infections requiring either short term or long term parenteral antimicrobials administration as an alternative to inpatient care. In the past years, the service covered mainly the Department of Medicine and Geriatrics and promoted early discharge of patients with reduction in the risk of healthcare associated infection, so we decide to extend the service to other departments and maximize the utilization of hospital beds. Therefore, OPAT service enhancement program has been launched since March 2018.
Objectives :
(1)Reduced length of patient hospital stay
(2)Enhanced hospital bed utilization (3)Saved hospital cost (4)Improved patient’s quality of life to continue normal social functions and physical activities during antibiotic treatment
Methodology :
1) Activated services extension from the Department of Medicine and Geriatrics to other clinical departments (2)Established systematic case referral and recruitment system, including poster, referral forms, optimization of workflow and update of OPAT website (3)Promoted OPAT service to frontline medical and nursing staff through doctor and nurse meetings of different specialties, on-site ward rounds, distribution of information kits, and promotion by emails (4)Changed mode of case recruitment from passive to active selection through screening culture result from Critical Data Analysis and Reporting System (CDARS) by OPAT nurses
(5)Analysed retrospectively the data collected regarding all OPAT patients between October 2017 and September 2018
Result & Outcome :
A total of 150 patients were recruited and 1936 in-patient bed days were saved. After service extension since March 2018, there were 55.4% (414 bed days) increased in bed days saved and a 50% (30 cases ) increase in new cases recruited. In the satisfaction survey, all respondents were satisfied with the OPAT service and rated the service as either very satisfactory or excellent.

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