To evaluate the effectiveness of Anaesthetic Educational Video to deliver information to patient during Pre-Anaesthetic Assessment

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Abstract Description
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Chu SMK, Lai KWA
Affiliation :
Department of Anaesthesia, Tung Wah Hospital
Introduction :
Patient's health literacy varies which affect their understanding of anaesthetic risk and make health decisions. Information about anaesthesia was delivered via multichannel including fact sheet and educational video to suit patients of different age group and education level. All patients will have preoperative consultation with anaesthetist with informed consent signed before surgery.
Objectives :
To provide information about anaesthesia to patients before operation in a simple, clear and attention grabbing way via an educational video to improve patient understanding and satisfaction, and reduce anxiety.
Methodology :
Patients were given Anaesthetic Educational Video(eTV) to watch in addition to Anaesthetic Fact Sheet in Pre-Anaesthetic Clinic(PAC) for day patients and in ward for inpatients. Patients were asked a standardized questionnaire to solicit their opinion on information with respect to Anaesthetic Fact Sheet and eTV inside OT before surgery.
Result & Outcome :
A total of 259 patients undergoing surgery involving anaesthetist were asked the questionnaire during the study period. 33.3% patients claimed they have not read or could not retain information from fact sheet. 35.2% patients claimed they have not watched eTV. Of the 64.8% patients who have watched eTV: 92.1% agree they are more familiar with the flow of preoperative anaesthetic consultation. 94.4% agree they know more about anaesthesia. 92.4% commented eTV is easy to understand. 74.9% thought eTV is easier to understand than fact sheet. 87.6% agree information is adequate. 81.2% agree eTV provides answers to most frequently asked questions. 85.3% agree eTV improves satisfaction. 78.2% agree anxiety is reduced. Conclusion: Overall Anaesthetic eTV achieves objectives in more than 74% patients who have watched the video. Patients not agree that eTV is easier to understand than fact sheet commented that (1)Anaesthetic Fact Sheet contains more detailed information, (2)they and their relatives can read it again at home. eTV not watched because (1)PAC done in QMH instead of TWH,(2)cases added on list, (3)late admission, (4)environment too noisy with volume too low, (5)seated too far away, (6)don't know eTV is available. Further improvement in preoperative arrangement and workflow is needed to reduce the incidence of not watching eTV. Adding subtitle to eTV or changing to animation may further enhance outcome.

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