We CARE - Culture of Learning, Active Sharing, Reflection, Evaluation

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Lam WS (1), Leung SH (1), Lee WS (1), Cheung KK (1), Ng YB (1)
Affiliation :
(1) Rehabilitation & Palliative ward, Department of Medicine and Geriatrics, United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
Nowadays, health care environment is an important for Professional and Information Technology development. Nurses in Rehabilitation & Palliative ward are necessary to strengthen patient care knowledge and active learning to maintain competency by using the new Information Technology. A project entitled “We CARE - Culture of Learning, Active Sharing, Reflection, Evaluation” has been launched for learning and sharing in Rehabilitation & Palliative ward.
Objectives :
(a) Enhance patient care quality and safety by updating staff knowledge and competency (b) Promote active learning, sharing, reflection and evaluation culture in clinical practice (c) Using new information technology to streamline the workflow (d) Enhance nurse’s knowledge in using IT devices (e) Save the environment by paper-less workflow
Methodology :
The I2E2 (i.e. Inspiration, Infrastructure, Education and Evidence) strategies are adopted for facilitating the implementation of the project. (a) Collaborate with Rehabilitation & Palliative ward management team and ward nursing staff to discuss the concern of the program (b) Conduct a ward based learning and sharing session to share different topic of knowledge by each nurse (c) Develop an electronic evaluation form and generate QR code for easy access (d) Scan the QR code by using IPad and perform the electronic evaluation (e) All electronic records upload to ward SharePoint system for monitoring the implementation of the program and facilitating active learning
Result & Outcome :
With the collaboration from ward management team and nursing staff, the project was successfully rolled out in 1Q 2018. The project of “We CARE - Culture of Learning, Active Sharing, Reflection, Evaluation” was supported by ward staff. The result of the project as follow: (a) A continuous weekly WE CARE sharing session has provided to every Nursing staff (b) A standard electronic evaluation platform system is developed and uploaded to the UCH ward SharePoint system (c) Total 69 ward based sessions and 488 electronic evaluation forms are conducted and uploaded (d) Positive feedback is collected from ward staff. In conclusion, the project promotes lifelong learning and cultivate an Information Technology learning culture. Practical and professional knowledge are reinforced among the ward staff and there are also opportunities for their reflection upon the working issues and current practice. Electronic evaluation system facilitates the data collection and broadens the utilization of information technology in the nursing continuity education. With a good initiative on enhancing quality of care to our colleagues, collaborative approach significantly contributes to a positive outcome to staff and patient caring culture. Inspiration, infrastructure, education and evidence (I2E2) are key elements for facilitation the change of practice. We have demonstrated our concerted efforts and synergy in contributing to the smooth implementation of project which in return helps in upholding the quality of patient care as well as creating positive practice environment and sustaining our mission.

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