Caregivers’ View at A Structured Caregiver Education Program at QEH Physiotherapy Department

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Chee SHB, Leung HWJ, Chung KKT, Lam KYM, Lau YNN, Luk KYH, Chan CMA
Affiliation :
Physiotherapy Department, Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Introduction :
Caregiver play an important role in life-long caring for the fragile elderly and neurosurgical patients suffered from deterioration in functional condition. Availability as well as competency of the caregivers usually affect the discharge planning and placement of these patients. To equip the patient’s family and caregivers with appropriate knowledge and handling skill, to decrease their stress and burden, to improve their competence in patient care, and ultimately to reintegrate the patient back community, a structured caregiver education program has been launched since March 2018. The program consists three-session of two-hour class per month, with essential patient care knowledge, information, techniques and handling skill were delivered in both lecture and practical format, and followed-up by tailored individual training if necessary.
Objectives :
To review the satisfaction level of caregivers who attended the program.
Methodology :
It was a prospective questionnaire survey. Caregivers of the Neurosurgical ward patients or Geriatrics Day Hospital patients in QEH were invited to attend the program. Upon completion of the program, they were asked to fill in a questionnaire that comprised ten statements and one open-end question. The questionnaire covered area of perceived usefulness of the program including knowledge on patient care and handling skill, stress relieving in caring patients, confidence of caregiving, suitability and depth of the program’s contents, and overall satisfaction of the program. Each statement was rated through a five-point Likert Scale (from “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree”) for caregivers to specify their level of agreement.
Result & Outcome :
There was total 57 caregivers attended the program and completed the questionnaire within the period of March to October 2018. The respondent rate was 100%. Most of the respondents reported positive feedback (either “Agree” or “Strongly Agree”) that the program had appropriate depth and suitable contents (94.74%), had enhanced their knowledge and handling skill (100%), had relieved their stress (89.47%) and had improved their confidence (96.50%) in caring patients. Overall satisfaction of the program was remarkable (98.25%). In conclusion, the review suggested that the caregiver education program was suitable and had met the expectation for the caregivers. The program was effective to empower the caregivers in terms of knowledge and skills in patient care, stress relieving, and the enhancement of caregivers’ confidence, safety and efficiency in the caregiving process.

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