Evaluate the clinical nursing staff’s knowledge and competency before and after training program on using bladder scanner to check post void residual urine (PVRU) for urological patients

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Ng SL(1), Tsu JHL(2)
Affiliation :
(1) Urology Nurse Consultation, Urology Division, The Jockey Club Lithotripsy & Uro-diagnostic Centre, Queen Mary Hospital (2) Chef & Urologist Consultant, Urology Division, The University of Hong Kong, Queen Mary Hospital.
Introduction :
Prior to the development of the bladder scan, the options available for assessment and investigation of residual urine inside bladder were percussion, catheterisation and radiological investigations. Bladder scanning offers advantages over other interventions, such as intermittent catheterisation, for measurement of post void residual volume. It is simple and causes no discomfort to the patients. In my hospital, all nursing staff should receive bladder scan training before they are competent enough to perform this procedure in clinical area. In order to evaluate the knowledge and competency of our clinical nursing staff on using bladder scanner, a pre and post-test on bladder scanning education program was conducted. The importance of an accurate bladder scan report provides assessment data on catheter functionality, aids in assessing urinary retention and renal failure, and the effectiveness of anticholinergic medication on voiding
Objectives :
To ensure our nursing staff who perform the bladder scanning are properly trained and competent in their clinical area. To safeguard our patients received nursing investigation safely with standard of care.
Methodology :
Staff of Hong Kong West Cluster who are required to perform bladder scanning in their clinical area are required to attend the bladder training program. A 3-hour lecture including theory, pre and post-test of 5 multiple choice questions (MCQ), hands on demonstration and return demonstration is given to all attendants. The data on pre and post-test results (identical questions) are analyzed and compared statistically by using the McNemar Test. In order to train more nurses in our cluster on bladder scanning, 3 identical sessions (A, B and C; results as shown below) from June to August 2016 at monthly basis on this training program were delivered to all attendants. At the end of each session, all staff was required to complete the evaluation form.
Result & Outcome :
109 nurses attended the bladder scan education training program from June to August 2016 at Hong Kong West Cluster. Before training, only 8 nurses (7.3%) had all questions correct and 55 nurses (50.5%) had 2 questions correct. After training, 71 nurses (65.1%) had all questions correct and 109 nurses (100%) had 2 questions correct. There were statistical significance (p< 0.001) for the result finding on pre and post-test of bladder scan education training program. In addition, 100% nurses evaluated the bladder scan education program not only applicable to their clinical practice but also enhanced their knowledge and competency on management of patients with urological problems. The education training program on bladder scanning effectively enhanced the knowledge and competency of clinical nursing staff of Hong Kong West Cluster. As the staff turnover rate was high during the past 10 years, regular education training program on common urological procedure are crucial to maintain the standard of nursing care.

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