Sepsis Screening for Elderly Orthopaedics Patients in Post-operative Period

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
LAU N (1), CHOW PY(1), LAU C Y (1), LIN Y F (1)
Affiliation :
(1)Orthopaedics and Traumatology,Princess Margaret Hospital.
Introduction :
Sepsis is a common clinical condition with a high mortality rate among hospitalized patients. Early recognition of sepsis decreases the rates of mortality. Sepsis screening for Orthopaedic patients in post-operative period with use of an evidence-based screening tool helps in early detection and treatment, thus increases survival rate.
Objectives :
To evaluate the impact that implementing an in-hospital protocol for the early detection of sepsis risk on mortality from severe sepsis and septic shock. The early detection of sepsis promotes early treatment, reducing in-hospital mortality from severe sepsis and septic shock.
Methodology :
Literature review was performed with database CINAHL, Cochrane Library, Medline, Pub-med and Science Direct together with a referral on hospital guideline on management of Adult Severe Sepsis & Septic Shock. Sepsis screening procedure is developed for nurses in caring patients in postoperative period. The screening procedure was designed to assess patients based on 1) inclusive criteria: patients for Orthopaedic operation ≥65 age. A pilot study was started in one male ward in 1Q 2018. 2) Screening period: Start from time patient transferred from operation theater with operation performed and until stitches removed or patient transferred or discharged 3) Screening tool: i) By use of MEWS chart, count and document MEWS total score for every shift ii) Inform Intern for suspect of infection when MEWS ≥ 3 or MEWS Change ≥ 2 iii) Ensure Intern come to assess patients as soon as possible and treat patients according to Hospital Guideline on Management of Adult Severe Sepsis & Sepsis Shock.
Result & Outcome :
To review the results from Sept 2018 to Dec 2018.

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