Authors (including presenting author) :
Lee SY (1), Man FK (1), Wong WY (2), Ng TH (3), Tang WS (1) (4)
Affiliation :
(1)Quality and Safety Division, (2) Department of Physiotherapy, (3) Department of Occupational Therapy, (4) Department of Medicine and Geriatric, Shatin Hospital
Introduction :
Designated emergency call system and workflow is available for handling persons requiring emergency medical assistance within the hospital and in the vicinity of Shatin Hospital (SH).
The response plan applies to persons* who require emergency medical assistance within the hospital and in the vicinity of SH. (*Persons can be patients or non-patients - including staff, visitors or general public)
Objectives :
1. To allow stakeholders to drill the workflow for handling emergency medical assistance (EMA). 2. To enhance intra- and inter-departmental communication and coordination upon handling EMA request.
3. To review the adequacy of current workflow and equipment as stated in the current response plan for handling EMA.
4. To incorporate element of drilling cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) as a means of CPR training.
Methodology :
Critical review was conducted from EMA drills and incident reports. Critiques were made among the committee formed from different disciplines so as to identify the weaknesses of the workflow of EMA and response plan for handling EMA.
Result & Outcome :
1. EMA drill served as a medical emergency training model and provided opportunity to different disciplines to demonstrate efficient and systematic teamwork in responding EMA. 2. Coordination among all participated stakeholders was established and internal communication for DRT needed to be reinforced and trained in order to provide rapid and accurate response to EMA.
3. Demonstration of efficient and systematic teamwork in handling EMA according to the EMA response plan and workflow. 4. Enhancement of staff experience in handling unexpected incidents to provide accurate and professional management to persons who required EMA within hospital and in the vicinity of hospital.