Patient Suicidal Prevention- Mitigation of environmental risk in Non-psychiatric wards

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Kwok MLA(1),YeungYPP(1),Man SY(1),LeeSCP(1),Poon CYM(1),Chui WST(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Shatin Hospital
Introduction :
Shatin Hospital is a group 2 hospital for elderly extended care and palliative care patients since 1991. Some of the hospital facilitates are not caught up with contemporary service need. There have been 22 rope call bells in patients' tolet and shower room which are with high risk to patients and staff.
Objectives :
To mitigate high risk areas in non-psychiatric wards of Shatin Hospital
Methodology :
Nursing supervisors of non-psychiatric wards were engaged to identify high risk areas for improvement works. Consensus was sought to set the top priority to eliminate the risk of rope call bells in patients' toilets and shower rooms. Alternative medical product of wireless call button system was searched from market and the proposal for improvement work was submitted to hospital management team for donation fund support.The schedule for installation work was coordinated between clincial departments and hospital facility team.
Result & Outcome :
All 22 rope call bells were replaced with wireless call button system by the end of October, 2017. There had been no patient attempted suicide in patients' toilet or shower room.

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