Authors (including presenting author) :
Introduction :
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), now the fourth leading cause of death in the world, continues to increase in the developing countries. The World Health Organization (WHO) expects COPD to be the third most common cause of death in the world by 2020. Patients in advanced stage of COPD or other chronic lung diseases mostly have recurring respiratory decompensation and serious breathlessness. They need regular hospitalization to take care of the diseases. Care empowerment for COPD patient refers to a process involving both health care providers and patient in helping and motivating COPD patients to change and possess specific competencies using resources which promote or foster a sense of control and self-efficacy related to psychological functioning in self-management with chronic disease.
Objectives :
Patient is empowered with knowledge and skills for self-care management action plan of the disease.
Methodology :
After participating in COPD empowerment program, respiratory nurse assessed patient and carer on the knowledge of the disease. Education was provided accordingly during the hospital stay or outpatient clinic with educational booklet and action plan. Teach patient about the importance of identifying signs and symptoms and responding according to the individualized action plan that has been prescribed such as adjusting medications, adding steroids and/or antibiotics. Proper aerosol technique is critical to achieve effect of the therapy; aerosol technique should be serially monitored to assure adequate medication delivery. A post educational assessment was done not only providing discharge plan but also the level of understanding and improvements were measured. Besides, patients were educated on self-management skills, home oxygen therapy and home non-invasive ventilation in which enhances patient’s knowledge of the disease. A post educational assessment was done not only providing discharge plan but also the level of understanding and improvements were measured. Besides, patients were educated on self-management skills, home oxygen therapy and home non-invasive ventilation in which enhances patient’s knowledge of the disease. In order to assess the effectiveness of the program, healthcare shall check number of admission for pre 90days & post 90days after recruited the program.
Result & Outcome :
There were patients with 205 recruited during 1st August 2018 to 31th December 2018 inclusively. The mean age was 75.75 (range 50-82). After implemented patient empowerment program (PEP), the aerosol therapy compliance rate was increased from 48% to 91%. The knowledge of proper medication use (rescue pack) is improved and avoids risk factor.Patient not only indentify red flag symptoms but also can adopt a healthy lifestyle (smoking cessation, nutrition, sleep hygiene managing emotions, etc.). Understanding and using a plan of action for acute exacerbation, patient compliance to the prescribed treatment regimen is necessary to slow disease progression, reduce exacerbations, and improve quality of life. Additionally, the healthcare also reassesses to evaluate the program relevant information and reinforcement is provided upon discharge or outpatient clinic follow up.