M&G Nurse Coordinator e-Handover System

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Abstract Description


Effective communication is a driver of performance for clinical team and helps the timely and relevant information is provided to Nursing Management Team. SharePoint is typically associated with web content management and document management systems, it is actually a much broader platform of web technologies, capable of being configured into a wide range of solution areas. By using SharePoint to create an electronic platform – “Nurse Coordinator e-Handover System”, this platform provides DOM/WMs/NOs/APNs to easy access for monitoring daily Medicines & Geriatrics ward operation, quality and safety via workstations and home computers, also this platform helps the Nursing Management team get information and give response effectively.


The objectives of the project are: (a) To enhance efficiency in clinical management (b) To enhance communication between DOMs/WMs/NOs/APNs even working area or home (c) Provide update, timely and relevant information to Nursing Management team (d) Data can be retrieved for evaluation and statistics


The I2E2 (i.e. Inspiration, Infrastructure, Education and Evidence) strategies are adopted for facilitating the implementation of the project: (a) Review the existing workflow of Nursing Coordinator handover method (b) Develop an electronic platform (c) Conduct training and competency assessment (d) Prepare for the rollout of the project to meet operational need (e) Collect staff feedback (f) Assess the readiness for implementation and provide timely feedback (g) Monitor the utilization

Results & Outcome

With the collaboration from DOMs/WMs/NOs/APNs, the project was successfully rollout on 4Q2018, at least 200 records are documented. The concept of M&G Nurse Coordinator e-Handover System was supported by Nursing Management Team. This platform facilitated communication and improve work efficiency. Positive feedback and suggestions from Nursing Management Team on enhancing the system are followed up for further improvement. In conclusions, an innovative and good quality information could provide staff Timely, Relevant and Efficiency clinical area.



Abstract ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Lam WS (1), Ng YB (1)
Affiliation :
(1) Department of Medicine and Geriatrics, United Christian Hospital

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