Authors (including presenting author) :
Wan S(1), Chan G(1), Wong C (1), Man M(1), Au K(1) Lo E(2), Cho HY(2), Kwok W(3), Man B(3)
Affiliation :
Physiotherapy Department (1) Medical Department (2) Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital Human Resources Division, Hong Kong East Cluster(3)
Introduction :
Healthy people, happy staff are the vision and mission of HAHO. Healthy staff, however, should also be one to of the utmost importance in HA especially we are facing the high turnover rate and high work stress. To promote staff wellness, PYNEH physiotherapy department has collaborated with different departments to conduct various staff fitness program such as the health week for Medical department, the HKEC jogging class and the HIIT classes. During the program we have conducted body composition assessment. The body composition assessments were used to evaluate the health status of the HKEC colleague.
Objectives :
To evaluate the health status of HKEC staff by analyzing their body composition
Methodology :
The body composition profiles of HKEC staff were analyzed using the Bio-impedance machines (in-body 770/In-body 270). Data that reflected the health status of staff including Body Mass Index(BMI), Waist-Hip-Ratio(WHR), Skeletal Muscles Mass(SMM), Percent Body Fat (PBF), Visceral Fat Ratio(VFR) and Segmental Lean Mass were recorded and analyzed.
Result & Outcome :
Total 532 staff were assessed with aged range 22 to 60 years, (345 female, 187 male). We divided them into 4 aged groups (GpA: below or equal 30, GpB: 31-40, GpC; 41-55 and GpD:above 55). And the results were summarized as below: Items GpA GpB GpC GpD Remarks
BMI 17% 18% 42% 41% Above 22.5
WHR 10% 16% 40% 35% Above normal
SMM 41% 39% 27% 35% Below normal
PBF 33% 42% 52% 65% Above Normal
VFR 10% 18% 33% 35% Above normal For segmental lean mass, more deficits were found in upper limbs(UL) in GpA and GpB. Whereas, for GpC and GpD more deficits were found in lower limbs(LL). Conclusion:
Their body composition profile were far from optimal, they have above normal body fat and visceral fat which might imply higher risk of cardiopulmonary problems whereas the below normal muscle mass might imply higher risk of musculo-skeletal problems or injury. From the segmental muscle mass might imply younger staff might have more problems in ULs, whereas the older staff might have more problems in their LLs. Implications:
HA should put more attention and effort to promote the physical health of staff.