Community Partnership Program with Kwai Tsing Council and OUHK LiPACE: The Effectiveness of Youth Mental Health First Aid Course for University students and Residents

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Leung SK (1), D Nguyuen(2), Lee WK (3), Li MS (4), Yuen SK(5), Fung FN (6), Chan CW (7), Tam CW (8), Au Yang WS (9), Lee KY (10), Fong WC (11)
Affiliation :
(1) -(11)Kwai Chung Hospital
Introduction :
Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) Course is an internationally standardized 14-hour mental health educational program. The course teaches adults how to assist adolescents who are developing mental health problem or in a mental health crisis. Course participants learn about adolescent development, the signs and symptoms of the common and disabling mental health problems in young people and how to provide first aid in a crisis situation. The course content covers depression, anxiety, eating disorder, substance abuse and psychosis. It also covers the ways about how to handle deliberate self-harm, suicidal thoughts, panic attacks, aggressive behaviors and severe psychotic states. This project is a pilot project collaborated with University and Kwai Tsing Safe Community and Healthy City Association from Aug 2017 to Aug 2018. It aims not only to increase the participants’ mental health literacy, but also reduce stigmatization towards mental illness in the community.
Objectives :
The aim of study is to investigate the mental health literacy after studying the MHFA course.
Methodology :
Respondents are undergraduate students of OUHK LiPACE and residents living in Kwai Tsing District. They receive 14-hour MHFA training course conducted by qualified YMHFA Course Trainer. The standardized quiz is required to complete in the course curriculum as pre and posttest. The demographic data and comparison of pre/posttest will be adopted by Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) Model. The quiz is in a form of 20-multiple choice questions which comprises the understandings of mental disorder, symptoms recognition, ways of help-seeking behaviors and community resources. At the end of course, the evaluation form will be collected to explore their perceived benefits.
Result & Outcome :
Of 79 respondents (M:42, F:37; Mean= 36 SD=36.5 ) completed the quiz. All of them completed pre-and posttest, and course evaluation form. The result of pre (Mean=14.08 , SD=1.615 ) and posttest (Mean=19.14 SD=0.416 ) were measured. Statistically showed improvement was found in mental health literacy. (Adjustedβ=3.15, 95% CI=4.704 to 5.423, p< 0.05 by GEE Model). It implicated that the understanding of mental disorders and treatments, the skills of help-seeking efficacy and the ways of obtaining good mental health care had been shown in positive impact.

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