Delirium Program (DeliPro, Phrase 1) - Enhancing staff competency and knowledge on managing patients with delirium in rehabilitation setting

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Abstract Description
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Lai BK, Man SL, Lee YC, Lo OYJ, Ho LK, So KN, Lam MH, Yeung SY
Affiliation :
Geriatrics & Rehabilitation Service, Department of Medicine, Haven of Hope Hospital
Introduction :
With clear guideline of managing delirium from Hospital Authority Special Advisory Group of Gerontological care(2017), it remains an obstacle for health care professional to identify early signs of delirium and to develop care plan because of inadequate training. For service improvement, there is a need to develop a comprehensive program aiming on educating nurses and health care supporting staff, practising advised guideline, bundling multi-disciplinary input, facilitating family engagement and evaluating effectiveness. The delirium program (DeliPro) was developed in Geriatrics and Rehabilitation Service under the Department of Medicine of Haven of Hope Hospital since 2018, the whole program will be implemented through three phrases with specific objectives, while the other two phrases are still in progress, details of the first phrase of DeliPro was presented in this poster.
Objectives :
1. To improve staff knowledge on early identification and management of delirium
2. To enhance staff confidence on caring patients with delirium
3. To design an education pamphlet for family education 4. To relieve stress and facilitate nurses on providing education toward family
Methodology :
Four educational talks were delivered to 45 nurses and 17 patient care assistance(PCA) from ward 1B & 2A. Pre and post test was conducted to evaluate delirium knowledge (10 Multiple choice questions(MCQ) for nurses and 7 MCQs for PCA). An outcome evaluation questionnaire was conducted after each educational talk to evaluate staff level of confidence and level of stress, and usefulness of new education pamphlet.
Result & Outcome :
For delirium knowledge of nurses, 32.4% increased in average score after the talk reflecting positive knowledge gain. Regarding the pre- and post-questionnaire of delirium knowledge of supporting staff, the average score were 2.82/6 and 4.31/6 respectively. The highest improvement was question about “如何識別被納入護理計劃的病人”, there was 12 more participants getting the answer correct (75.4% increased). From Outcome Evaluation Survey, participants gave 3/5 (pre-talk) and 4/5 (post-talk) respectively for the managements towards delirium patients which implied a significant increase in confidence level, competency on early identification and family education, stress management and also team spirit on managing delirium. Data Interpretation (Conclusion) Positive outcomes in both delirium knowledge test and outcome evaluation questionnaire indicating DeliPro is effective and essential to facilitate healthcare staff to take care of patients with delirium, additionally DeliPro can ameliorate health care professional stress in this regard.

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