Standardization of referral and workflow for immunization procedures for New Territories West Cluster (NTWC) staff who are referred from Infectious Control Unit (ICN) of Tuen Mun Hospital (TMH) and Pok Oi Hospital (POH)

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Wong WK (1)(2), Tang HLH (1), Fong YL (2), Tong SWS (1), Tang WY (1)
Affiliation :
(1) Ambulatory Care Centre, Tuen Mun Hospital (ACC/TMH) (2) Specialties Out-patient Clinic, Pok Oi Hospital (SOPD/POH)
Introduction :
From time to time, our staff clinics receive memo from the Infectious Control Unit (ICN) asking us to give varicella vaccine (VV) and/or mumps measles rubella (MMR) vaccine to our New Territories West Cluster (NTWC) staff in staff clinics of Ambulatory Care Centre (ACC) of Tuen Mun Hospital (TMH) and Specialties Out-patient Department (SOPD) of Pok Oi Hospital (POH). In the old day, there was neither formal referral form nor thorough handling procedure flow chart in our unit and it caused a lot of confusion and misunderstanding to both our working staff and our NTWC staff who needed to receive the vaccine(s).
Objectives :
It is of paramount important to design a standard vaccination referral form for the ICN to properly refer NTWC staff to our staff clinics to receive VV and/or MMR vaccine accordingly. Moreover, a new flow chart of handling the referral and the procedures of giving appropriate vaccine were also required in order to clarify the individual steps of vaccination procedure for our clinic staff and to increase the efficacy of the workflow. Afterwards we measured the rate of satisfaction from our staff by the Customer Satisfactory Score (CSAT) and reported the rate of error.
Methodology :
The previous memos and some previous information sheets were collected from ACC of TMH and SOPD of POH for analysis, alignment and optimization. We have also gathered our ICN colleagues, our nursing and medical staff in ACC TMH and SOPD POH to give their ideas, comments and feedback on the designs of the new referral form and workflow. After implementation, concerned nurses (POH and TMH) were invited to rate their satisfaction by the CSAT. The rate of error of the mentioned immunization procedure was also recorded in order to see the effectiveness of this project.
Result & Outcome :
A new referral letter and a new handling flow chart for immunization procedures for NTWC staff who were referred to our staff clinics from the ICN in ACC TMH and SOPD POH were finally developed and started to be used on 28 June 2018. The average CSAT of nurses was 5 (maximum score was 5). There was zero error reported for the mentioned procedure.
A standard referral form and clear flow chart for the appropriate vaccination procedures referred from our ICN are very important to improve our service in ACC TMH and SOPD POH. They give a conscious and clear instruction to our clinic staff for processing different vaccination requests from ICNs, therefore our nursing staff (even not the core nurses of staff clinic) can get rid of any doubts and confusion on the handling of the afordsaid procedure of vaccination.

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