Authors (including presenting author) :
Wong WK (1)(2), Tang HLH (1), Fong YL (2), Tong SWS (1), Tang WY (1)
Affiliation :
(1) Ambulatory Care Centre, Tuen Mun Hospital (ACC/TMH)
(2) Specialties Out-patient Clinic, Pok Oi Hospital (SOPD/POH)
Introduction :
Hepatitis B immunization (HBI) is a common nursing procedure ordered by doctors in the staff clinics of Ambulatory Care Centre (ACC) of Tuen Mun Hospital (TMH) and Specialties Out-patient Clinic (SOPD) of Pok Oi Hospital (POH) from time to time. However, different staff have different Hepatitis B immunological status and health condition who may need different HBI procedures. Moreover, some staff need the full course (3 doses of vaccine in total) whereas some need a Booster dose only.
Objectives :
We opt to standardize the HBI workflow for the staff clinics between ACC TMH and SOPD POH in order to clarify the proper handling procedure between SOPDs in NTWC, so as to promote the competency and effectiveness of all nurses (even those who are not the core nurses of staff clinic) to administer HBI to clients. We also measured the rate of satisfaction from our staff by the Customer Satisfactory Score (CSAT) and the rate of error.
Methodology :
Compiling and alignment of the workflow of HBI procedure between SOPD POH and ACC TMH were done and a new standard and complete handling flow chart was made. Concerned nurses (POH and TMH) were invited to rate their satisfaction by the CSAT. The rate of error of HBI administration was also recorded in order to see the effectiveness of this project.
Result & Outcome :
The new workflow of HBI procedure was launched on 23 October 2018 in ACC TMH and SOPD POH, all nursing staff were briefed on the new workflow in SOPD staff meeting. The new flow chart was posted up at the working area in staff clinic so that all nursing staff could more easily take reference while administering HBI. The average CSAT of nurses was 5 (maximum score was 5). There was zero error reported for HBI administration after implementation of the new workflow.
The preliminary result after the standardization of the workflow of HBI procedure in our staff clinics of ACC TMH and SOPD POH greatly shows increased satisfaction of HBI procedure by our staff and it also enhances the delivery of better service and safety for our clients who need HBI. We still need a longer period of observation for the outcome of the new workflow for HBI procedure.