Collaboration approach in between of Physiotherapy Department and Accident & Emergency Department to decrease the admission of the musculoskeletal pain at Pok Oi Hospital during the Winter Surge in 2018

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Authors (including presenting author) :
1Jeffery Lai, 2Law YT, 2Julie Chan, 1Lau CL, 1Ong KL, 1Billy Wong, 2Cecilia Tang, 2Chloe Chak, 2Kwan CK, 1Chan SY, 1Lee SN, 1Ho SC
Affiliation :
1 Accident & Emergency Department of Pok Oi Hospital, 2 Physiotherapy Department of Pok Oi Hospital
Introduction :
Musculoskeletal pain is one of the most common Orthopaedic admission in Pok Oi Hospital, for example, low back pain and knee pain. The average length of stay of this kind of patient was 3.5 days in the hospital. However, the ward occupancy rate is usually greater than 100% not only in Emergency Medicine Ward but also other Mix Specialty Wards during Winter Surge. The treatment plan for this kind of patient usually is given pain-killer agent, bed rest, physiotherapy management
Objectives :
1) To minimize the musculoskeletal pain admission 2) To maximize the utilization of ward bed 3) To increase cost-effectiveness of each hospital bed 4) To decrease the length of stay of patient in hospital 5) To discharge the musculoskeletal pain patient at the same day of attendance
Methodology :
A multidisciplinary approach to minimize the musculoskeletal pain admission was adopted: 1) Collaboration in between of Physiotherapy Department to arrange on-site physiotherapist supporting during office hour 2) Set up a temporary mini-physiotherapy treatment room in GEMW 3) Manage the musculoskeletal pain patient of low back pain and knee pain
Result & Outcome :
From Jan to March 2018, there are about 15 patients related to musculoskeletal pain having been treated in the GEMW mini-physiotherapy treatment room. Only 2 patients are needed for Orthopaedic Admission. The deduction rate for this kind of patient admission is 87%. This multidisciplinary approach has saved 52 bed stays within 3months in Pok Oi Hospital. This multidisciplinary approach to minimize the musculoskeletal pain admission is very significant. It is more cost-effective and can enhance better utilization of the healthcare system. In a great extent, if the target group and the service time can be extended, this kind of patient admission rate can be further minimized. The further expansion of the multidisciplinary approach and the service time is now under exploration so as to prepare the next Winter Surge.

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