Authors (including presenting author) :
(1) Fung WY, (2) Queenie Leung, (5) To KY, (3) Lau CL, (1) Ong KL, (1) Tsui KL, (1)Billy Wong, (1) Chan SY, (1)Lee SN, (4) Edmund Cheung, (5)Wong CY, (5)Karol Kong, (5) Louisa Leung, (5) Leung Owl
Affiliation :
(1) Accident & Emergency Department of Pok Oi Hospital
(2) Nursing Service Divison of Tuen Mun Hospital
(3) Accident & Emergency Department of Tuen Mun Hospital
(4) IT department of Pok Oi Hospital
(5) Nursing Service Divison of Pok Oi Hospital
Introduction :
Timely and accurate access to communicate with NSD during the activation of civil disaster at Accident and Emergency Department (AED) is a crucial and critical prerequisite for effective clinical decision-making. The usual way to report the disaster incident summary is recorded at the night memo. Then the hospital managerial level will receive the information in the next working day. Is it possible to speed up and streamline the information received in between of NSD and Hospital managerial level?
Objectives :
1) To speed up the way in the disaster reporting
2) To facilitate the NSD in clinical decision-making effectively 3) To enhance work efficiency through smart use of electronic system
Methodology :
1) Formulate a multidisciplinary working group for the planning of the eDisaster report 2) Review the current operation flow and staff workflow among department
3) Integrate lean management concepts in the planning of the new workflow and identifying opportunities for improvement
Result & Outcome :
1) Using the photocopying machine to connect the intranet
2) Create a list of intranet email address of NSD staff in the photocopying machine system
3) The hard copies of disaster report can be placed onto photocopying machine and press 2 buttons only. The image then will be generated into an email to NSD accordingly.
The eDisaster report provides a fast result notification means from AED to NSD. When compared with other existing communication tools, it is more reliable as the report is sent directly to NSD email inbox. Possible delay, incomplete reporting could be avoided because of the capability of built-in rules and logics. This has offered an opportunity or quality improvement in clinical service and achievement of a better clinical decision-making with accurate and comprehensive civil disaster information in an unencumbered manner.