Authors (including presenting author) :
Lau SM(1), Ng YKS(1), Lun PY(1), Lee SKS(1), Lau WY(1), Yu YM(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Surgery, North District Hospital
Introduction :
Colonoscopy (CLN), which is known as a standard method for the diagnosis and surveillance of colorectal lesions, is a highly demanded procedure nowadays. The success of colonoscopy depends on the quality of bowel preparation. However, recent evaluation in a local hospital revealed that nearly 50% of cases got poor bowel preparation among all in-patient colonoscopy cases. Poor bowel preparation results in prolonged procedure time, repeated procedures, missed lesions and increased hospital costs and workload. Therefore, the effect of poor bowel preparation on patients and hospital can be overwhelming. Obviously poor bowel preparation is associated with poor patient’s compliance. To enhance the quality of bowel preparation and patient’s compliance, a “Bowel Preparation Quality Improvement Programme 2018” was launched.
Objectives :
This programme aimed at emphasizing the importance of adequate bowel preparation, demonstrating the patient’s journey for in-patient colonoscopy and facilitating in-patient bowel preparation.
Methodology :
An “Information Card for Bowel Preparation” was designed. The content included photographic examples of rectal effluents to indicate satisfactory bowel preparation, suggested time to complete Klean Prep and workflow before colonoscopy etc. The information was illustrated clearly in the card by using simple wordings and coloured photos. Nursing staff could provide education to patient with the card on admission. With this card, patients can know what, why and how to achieve good bowel preparation.
Result & Outcome :
A pilot programme was initiated between mid-August to mid-September in 2018. In control group, about 26% and 32% of in-patient colonoscopy cases showed good and poor bowel preparation respectively. And among all in-patient cases who joined the programme, 57% showed good bowel preparation and only 7% showed poor bowel preparation. Overall, 100% patients were satisfied with the “Information Card for Bowel Preparation”. Good patient’s compliance and adequate education are the keys to achieve high quality of bowel preparation. This simple and cost effective programme can surely enhance the success of colonoscopy.